Happiness of Vehicle / SUKH OF VAHAN

Vehicle / Vahan / Conveyance is represented by strong 4th house from Lagna / Ascendant and beneficial Venus
Houses 4th / 9th / 10th /11th in beneficial association of Venus, Moon or Jupiter provides happiness of Vehicle.
4th house – Vehicle
3rd house – Short Journeys
9th house – Dharma / Long Journeys

10th house – Karma
11th house – Gains

क्या उपहार में वाहन मिलेगा / WILL I GET A CAR IN A GIFT
Yoga for free gift of Vehicle/ Uphaar Mae Vahan

  1. Lord of 1st house and 4th house are strong and placed in 11th house aspected by Lords of 9th house and 10th house.
  2. Lord of 5th house is in 9th house and Lord of 9th house in 10th house associated with Lord of 1st and 4th.
  3. Lords of 9th house and 10th houseplaced in Kendra(1st , 4th , 7th , 10th) or Kona(1st , 5th , 9th) associated with the Lord of 4th house , aspecting each other.
  4. Lords of 4th house and 9th house are in exaltation or posited in the Lagna.
  5. Venus in 4th house and Lord of 4th house in 7th house (Lord of 4th and 7th should be friends)
  6. Lord of 4th house and 7th house placed in 2nd house with strength.
Example : Lord of 1st and 4th Jupiter is placed in 11th house aspected by Sun Lord of 9th and Mercury Lord of 10th. Jupiter is also associted with 3rd house (House of Father – In – Law as 3rd house is 9th from 7th house of marriage). During the period of Jupiter – Mercury – Sun (Dasha – Bhukti – Antra ; Main period – Sub period – Sub Sub period), Native got Car as a gift from Father – In – Law.
Example : Venus the significator of Vehicle is placed in 4th house(of Vehicle). Lord of 4th house Saturn is placed in 7th house of spouse. Venus and Saturn are friends. There are chances of getting a Car as a gift from Spouse.

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