Vehicle / Vahan / Conveyance is represented by strong 4th house from Lagna / Ascendant and beneficial Venus
Houses 4th / 9th / 10th /11th in beneficial association of Venus, Moon or Jupiter provides happiness of Vehicle.
4th house – Vehicle
3rd house – Short Journeys
9th house – Dharma / Long Journeys
10th house – Karma
11th house – Gains
क्या उपहार में वाहन मिलेगा / WILL I GET A CAR IN A GIFT
Yoga for free gift of Vehicle/ Uphaar Mae Vahan
- Lord of 1st house and 4th house are strong and placed in 11th house aspected by Lords of 9th house and 10th house.
- Lord of 5th house is in 9th house and Lord of 9th house in 10th house associated with Lord of 1st and 4th.
- Lords of 9th house and 10th houseplaced in Kendra(1st , 4th , 7th , 10th) or Kona(1st , 5th , 9th) associated with the Lord of 4th house , aspecting each other.
- Lords of 4th house and 9th house are in exaltation or posited in the Lagna.
- Venus in 4th house and Lord of 4th house in 7th house (Lord of 4th and 7th should be friends)
- Lord of 4th house and 7th house placed in 2nd house with strength.