Understanding Planetary Influences on Friendship and Social Circle. वैदिक ज्योतिष में रिश्तों और सामाजिक दायरे पर ग्रहों के प्रभाव

know About Your Friends through Your Birth Chart.

Have you’ve ever wondered why you seem to attract a certain type of friend or struggle to connect with others, your birth chart may hold the answers. In this video, we dive into the fascinating world of astrology and explore what your birth chart reveals about your friendship circle. From your astrological sign to your compatibility with others, we’ll uncover the secrets of your friendship style and help you identify the true friends in your life. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the surprising truth about your friends according to your birth chart.

Planetary influence on Friendship and social circles are important for happiness,as they provide us with a sense of belonging and connection. Having a healthy social life is an important component of our overall well-being and happiness. Friends and social groups give us the opportunity to share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which helps to prevent loneliness and isolation, provide support and encouragement during difficult times and offer advice and guidance. Spending time with others can also provide us with a source of joy and excitement.

Astrology and Friendship
True friends are like good books; they are a perpetual delight.
Seek friends with the wisdom and the courage to correct you when you go astray.

सच्चे दोस्त अच्छी किताबों की तरह होते हैं; वे सदा सुख देनेवाले हैं।
ज्ञान के साथ दोस्तों की तलाश करें और जब आप भटक जाते हैं तो आपको सही करने का साहस।

In Vedic astrology, Planetary Influences In A Birth Chart ,can provide insight into social circle and relationships with others. From the placement of the Moon to the strength of Mercury, there are many key factors that can impact a person’s ability to form and maintain friendships.

वैदिक ज्योतिष में, एक जन्म कुंडली में ग्रहों का प्रभाव सामाजिक दायरे और दूसरों के साथ संबंधों में अंतर्दृष्टि प्रदान कर सकती है। चंद्रमा की स्थिति से लेकर बुध की ताकत तक, ऐसे कई प्रमुख कारक हैं जो किसी व्यक्ति की दोस्ती बनाने और बनाए रखने की क्षमता को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं।

Planetary Influence On Friendship In The Horoscope Like :

Usually it is seen that in the horoscope of closest friends the Ascendant is same or moon sign or 11th house or Rahu.

हमारे निकटतम मित्रो का आमतौर पर एक सा ही लग्न या चंद्र राशि या 11वां भाव या राहु होता है |

Planetary Influences on Friendship. By Having your sun in someone’s moon sign and their sun is your moon sign creates instant chemistry.

किसी की चंद्र राशि में आपका सूर्य होना और उनका सूर्य आपकी चंद्र राशि है, जिससे दो लोगों के बीच केमिस्ट्री तत्काल बनती है |

a harmonious aspect between your Moon, Jupiter, and the other person’s Moon and Jupiter is seen as a good indication of a strong friendship.

आपके चंद्रमा, बृहस्पति और दूसरे व्यक्ति के चंद्रमा और बृहस्पति के बीच एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण पहलू को मजबूत दोस्ती के अच्छे संकेत के रूप में देखा जाता है।

Compatibility between Moon sign and Nakshatras is often used as an indicator of potential friendship.

चंद्र राशि और नक्षत्रों के बीच संगतता इसलिए अक्सर संभावित मित्रता के संकेतक के रूप में उपयोग की जाती है।

Whereas someone has Saturn in the sign of yor Venus, then it will be an odd pair.

वहीं किसी की शुक्र की राशि में शनि हो तो यह मित्रता के लिए अनुकूल नहीं होता है

compatibility between the two charts

For analysing compatibility, horoscopes of both friends are required. The birth constellation, the ascendant lord, the moon sign and the significator Mercury of both friends in 1/5, 3/11, 4/10, 7/7, 5/9 positions are favourable whereas 2/1 2 position shows expenditure or loss of money through friends and 6/8 position shows enemity or disputes raised by giving or taking money from friends. The lords of birth constellations for both horoscope should also be friends.

अनुकूलता का विश्लेषण करने के लिए दोनों मित्रों की कुंडली की आवश्यकता होती है। दोनों मित्रों का जन्म नक्षत्र, लग्नेश, चंद्र राशि और कारक बुध 1/5, 3/11, 4/10, 7/7, 5/9 स्थिति में अनुकूल है जबकि 2/1 2 स्थिति व्यय या दिखाता है दोस्तों के माध्यम से धन की हानि और 6/8 स्थिति दुश्मनी या दोस्तों से पैसे लेने या लेने से उत्पन्न विवाद को दर्शाती है। दोनों कुंडली के जन्म नक्षत्रों के स्वामी भी मित्र होने चाहिए।

houses involved for analysing the Friendship in vedic astrology

11th house rules frienships and social circles we belong to / aspire to be in.
3rd and 7th shows the types of friends we have, interests we share, and general demeanor we’re attracted to.
The significator of friend is Mercury.
Friends becoming secret enemies can be spotted by 12th house or  the 8th house for hidden enemies as the 8th house signifies hidden things and sudden happenings.

एकादश भाव मित्रता और सामाजिक मंडलियों को नियंत्रित करता है जिनसे हम संबंधित हैं/ जिसमें रहने की आकांक्षा रखते हैं।
तीसरे और सातवें भाव से पता चलता है कि हमारे किस प्रकार के मित्र हैं, हमारी रुचियां साझा हैं, और सामान्य आचरण जिससे हम आकर्षित होते हैं।
मित्र का कारक ग्रह बुध है।
गुप्त शत्रु बनने वाले दोस्तों को 12 वें भाव या 8 वें भाव से देखा जा सकता है क्योंकि 8 वां भाव छिपी हुई चीजों और अचानक होने वाली घटनाओं को दर्शाता है।

11th house is known as the “house of gain” and is also associated with friendships, community, and social connections. A strong 11th house and its lord indicate a person’s capacity for friendship, who is well-connected and has many friends. It also indicate the possibility of making new friends and expanding one’s social circle. A strong and well-placed planet in the 11th house can indicate a person who is outgoing, sociable and friendly. On the other hand, a weak or afflicted 11th house and its lord indicate a person who may have difficulty making and maintaining friendships.

11वें भाव को “लाभ भाव” के रूप में जाना जाता है और यह दोस्ती, समुदाय और सामाजिक संबंधों से भी जुड़ा हुआ है। एक मजबूत 11वां भाव और उसका स्वामी एक व्यक्ति की मित्रता की क्षमता को दर्शाता है, जो अच्छी तरह से समुदाय से जुड़ा हुआ है और जिसके कई दोस्त हैं। यह नए दोस्त बनाने और अपने सामाजिक दायरे का विस्तार करने की संभावना का भी संकेत देता है। 11वें भाव में एक मजबूत और अच्छी तरह से स्थित ग्रह एक व्यक्ति को आउटगोइंग, मिलनसार और मिलनसार होने का संकेत दे सकता है। दूसरी ओर, एक कमजोर या पीड़ित एकादश भाव और उसका स्वामी एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को दर्शता है जिसे दोस्ती करने और बनाए रखने में कठिनाई हो सकती है।

The 11th house in a horoscope rules the friends and social connections .
(a) The 11th house from the Rising Sign,
(b) The 11th house from the Moon and
(c) The 11th house from the Sun.

कुंडली में 11वां भाव मित्रों और सामाजिक दायरे पर राज्य करता है।
(ए) राइजिंग साइन से 11 वां भाव,
(बी) चंद्रमा से 11 वें भाव और
(c) सूर्य से 11वां भाव।

The main significator of friend/ friendship is Mercury.
मित्र या मित्रता का मुख्य कारक बुध है।

House connection between Friends in Astrology:

Overall, the houses can play an important role in friendships by shaping how friends connect with each other and what they value in their friendship. Different houses may emphasize different aspects of the friendship, such as communication, creativity, partnership, or community-building.

First House: Is associated with the self, strong first house connection with that of friend’s first house shows a deep level understanding of each other’s personalities and motivations.
Third House: Associated with communication and intellectual exchange, strong third house connection with that of friend’sthird house shows ease to communicate effectively and understand each other’s perspectives. They may enjoy discussing ideas and learning from each other.
Fourth House: Is associated with happiness , home and family, hence strong fourth house connection with that of friend’s fourth house shows there bonding is like family to each other. They may enjoy spending time together in comfortable, nurturing settings.
Fifth House: The fifth house is associated with creativity and self-expression, therefore friends with a strong fifth house connection appreciate each other’s creativity and enjoy pursuing creative projects together.
Sixth House: Associated with work and service, so friends with a strong sixth house connection may enjoy working together on projects and supporting each other’s career goals.
Seventh House: House of partnerships,relationship, balance, and collaboration
, when friends with a strong seventh house are connected may feel like they are in a partnership with each other. They may enjoy collaborating on projects and may be able to balance each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Eighth House: The eighth house is associated with deep bonds and transformation, and friends with a strong eighth house connection feel a deep, transformative bond with each other. They may be able to support each other through challenging times and help each other grow and transform.
Ninth House: Associated with travel, exploration and learning, religion,diversityhence friends with a strong ninth house connection enjoy exploring new places and learning new things together.
Tenth House: Of career and public image, friends with a strong tenth house connection may support each other’s career goals and help each other build a positive public image.
Eleventh House: The eleventh house is associated with friendship and social networks, and community-building, and friends with a strong eleventh house connection may feel a deep sense of camaraderie with each other. They may enjoy connecting with each other’s social networks and building a strong community together.
Twelfth House: The twelfth house is associated with hidden strengths and unconscious motivations, and friends with a strong twelfth house connection may be able to understand and support each other’s hidden strengths and motivations. They may be able to provide emotional support and validation to each other when needed.

Planetary Influences on houses for Friendship and Social Circle

The association of Mars , Saturn, Rahu, Ketu with the 11th house is the worst for friendly relationship and social connections , when a so called friend proves to enemies/ backbiters/ selfish/ emotionally detached. On the other hand the association of Sun, Venus , Moon, Mercury , Jupiter is favourable for successful culmination of friendship.
एकादश भाव के साथ मंगल, शनि, राहु, केतु की युति मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंधों और सामाजिक संबंधों के लिए सबसे खराब होती है, जब एक तथाकथित दोस्त शत्रु/ चुगलखोर/ स्वार्थी/ भावनात्मक रूप से असंबद्ध साबित होता है। वहीं दूसरी ओर सूर्य
, शुक्र, चंद्र, बुध, गुरु की युति सफल मित्रता के लिए अनुकूल होती है।

Planetary influence on friendship
Planetary influence on friendship

The placement of Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth in the horoscope is also important for friendship . In general, a harmonious aspect between the Moon, Jupiter, and the other person’s Moon and Jupiter is seen as a good indication of a strong friendship.
कुंडली में विस्तार और वृद्धि के ग्रह बृहस्पति की स्थिति भी मित्रता के लिए महत्वपूर्ण होती है। सामान्य तौर पर, चंद्रमा, बृहस्पति और दूसरे व्यक्ति के चंद्रमा और बृहस्पति के बीच एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण पहलू को मजबूत दोस्ती के अच्छे संकेत के रूप में देखा जाता है।

Strong Moon in the chart can indicate a person who is well-liked and has many friends.
Benefic aspects on the Ascendant from Jupiter or Venus indicate a person with a pleasing personality who attracts many friends.
Strong Mercury ,the planet of communication and represents friends and networking, indicate a person who is socially active and has a large social circle.

If both individuals have well-placed Jupiter in their charts and have a harmonious aspect between their Moon signs, a strong friendship is seen.

कुंडली में मजबूत चंद्रमा एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को इंगित कर सकता है जिसे बहुत पसंद किया जाता है और जिसके कई दोस्त होते हैं।
बृहस्पति या शुक्र की लग्न पर शुभ दृष्टि एक आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व वाले व्यक्ति को दर्शाती है जो कई मित्रों को आकर्षित करता है।
मजबूत बुध, संचार का ग्रह और मित्रों और नेटवर्किंग का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को इंगित करता है जो सामाजिक रूप से सक्रिय है और जिसका एक बड़ा सामाजिक दायरा है।
यदि दोनों व्यक्तियों की कुण्डली में बृहस्पति अच्छी स्थिति में है और उनकी चंद्र राशियों के बीच एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण पहलू है, तो एक मजबूत दोस्ती देखी जाती है।

Weak Moon in the chart can indicate a person who is not well-liked and has few friends.
Malefic aspects on the Ascendant from Saturn or Rahu indicate a person with a displeasing personality who struggles to attract friends.
Weak Mercury can indicate a person who is socially awkward or introverted and has a limited social circle.

Rahu or Saturn placed in the 11th house.
कुंडली में कमजोर चंद्रमा एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को दर्शता है जिसे अच्छी तरह से पसंद नहीं किया जाता है और उसके कम दोस्त होते हैं। शनि या राहु से लग्न पर अशुभ दृष्टि एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को दर्शाती है जिसका व्यक्तित्व अप्रसन्न होता है जो मित्रों को आकर्षित करने के लिए संघर्ष करता है।
कमजोर बुध एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को दर्शता है जो सामाजिक रूप से अजीब या अंतर्मुखी है और जिसका एक सीमित सामाजिक दायरा है।
राहु या शनि 11वें भाव में हो।

planetary influence on Harmony between friends

Person A has Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 11th house and Person B has Jupiter in Pisces in the 3rd house. This would indicate a strong friendship as Jupiter is in a trine aspect (120 degrees) between the two individuals’ charts.
Additionally, let’s say Person A has Moon in Taurus and Person B has Moon in Cancer. This would also indicate a strong friendship as Moon is in a trine aspect between the two individuals’ charts.
व्यक्ति A के 11वें भाव में धनु राशि में बृहस्पति है और व्यक्ति B के तीसरे भाव में मीन राशि में बृहस्पति है। यह एक मजबूत दोस्ती का संकेत देगा क्योंकि बृहस्पति दो व्यक्तियों के चार्ट के बीच एक त्रिकोण (120 डिग्री) में है।
इसके अतिरिक्त, मान लें कि व्यक्ति A का चंद्रमा वृष राशि में है और व्यक्ति B का चंद्रमा कर्क राशि में है। यह एक मजबूत दोस्ती का भी संकेत देगा क्योंकि चंद्रमा दो व्यक्तियों के चार्ट के बीच त्रिकोण भाव में है।

Planetary relationship and  friendship
Planetary relationship and friendship

Another example of a strong friendship would be if both individuals have strong and well-placed Venus in their charts and have a harmonious aspect between their 11th house. Person A has Venus in Libra in the 11th house and Person B has Venus in Taurus in the 7th house. This would indicate a strong friendship .
एक मजबूत दोस्ती का एक और उदाहरण होगा यदि दोनों व्यक्तियों के चार्ट में शुक्र मजबूत और अच्छी तरह से स्थित है और उनके 11 वें घर के बीच एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण पहलू है। व्यक्ति A का शुक्र 11वें भाव में तुला राशि में है और व्यक्ति B का शुक्र 7वें भाव में वृष राशि में है, यह एक मजबूत दोस्ती का संकेत देगा|
If the Moon signs and Nakshatras are also compatible it can indicate a strong emotional bond. Person A has Moon in Cancer and Person B has Moon in Taurus. This would also indicate a strong emotional bond as Moon is in a trine aspect between the two individuals’ charts.
यदि चंद्र राशि और नक्षत्र भी संगत हैं तो यह एक मजबूत भावनात्मक बंधन का संकेत दे सकता है। व्यक्ति A का चंद्रमा कर्क राशि में है और व्यक्ति B का चंद्रमा वृष राशि में है। यह एक मजबूत भावनात्मक बंधन का भी संकेत देगा क्योंकि चंद्रमा दो व्यक्तियों के चार्ट के बीच त्रिकोण भाव में है।

Another example of a strong friendship would be if both individuals have well-placed Mercury in their charts and have a harmonious aspect between their 11th house. Additionally, if the Nakshatras are also compatible it can indicate a strong understanding in their friendship. For example, Person A has Mercury in Gemini in the 11th house and Person B has Mercury in Aquarius in the 5th house. This would indicate a strong friendship as Mercury is in a trine aspect (120 degrees) between the two individuals’ charts. Additionally, let’s say Person A has Nakshatra in Mrigasira and Person B has Nakshatra in Ashwini. This would also indicate a strong understanding and communication as the Nakshatras are in the same pada (division).
एक मजबूत दोस्ती का एक और उदाहरण होगा यदि दोनों व्यक्तियों ने अपने चार्ट में बुध और उनके 11 वें भाव के बीच एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण पहलू हो। इसके अतिरिक्त, यदि नक्षत्र भी संगत हैं तो यह उनकी मित्रता में एक मजबूत समझ का संकेत दे सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, व्यक्ति A का बुध 11वें भाव में मिथुन राशि में है और व्यक्ति B का बुध 5वें भाव में कुम्भ राशि में है। यह एक मजबूत दोस्ती का संकेत देगा क्योंकि दो व्यक्तियों के चार्ट के बीच बुध एक त्रिकोण (120 डिग्री) में है। इसके अतिरिक्त, मान लें कि व्यक्ति A का नक्षत्र मृगशिरा में है और व्यक्ति B का नक्षत्र अश्विनी में है। यह एक मजबूत समझ और संचार का भी संकेत देगा क्योंकि नक्षत्र एक ही पद में हैं।

Influence of Benefic Planets on Friendship/Social circle

Moon : Emotions, intuition, and nurturing have an important influence on friendships. Moon play an important role in friendships by creating a deeper emotional connection, fostering nurturing and intuition, and encouraging vulnerability and sensitivity. Friends with a strong Moon connection may need to be understanding of each other’s moods and emotions, but can also create a strong and lasting bond based on shared experiences and memories.

Emotional connection: Having a strong Moon connection in a friendship can create a deeper emotional bond. Friends with a strong Moon connection may be able to intuit each other’s needs and feelings without even needing to speak.
Nurturing: Nurturing and taking care of others. Friends with a strong Moon connection may be very supportive of each other and take care of each other’s emotional needs.

Intuition: The Moon is associated with intuition and gut instincts. Friends with a strong Moon connection may be able to pick up on each other’s moods and feelings, even if they are not explicitly expressed.
Sensitivity: The Moon is associated with sensitivity and emotional vulnerability. Friends with a strong Moon connection may be very open and vulnerable with each other, sharing their deepest fears and insecurities.

Moodiness: Can sometimes lead to emotional ups and downs. Friends with a strong Moon connection may need to be understanding and patient with each other during these times.
Memories: Association of Moon with memories and nostalgia. Friends with a strong Moon connection may have a deep appreciation for their shared experiences and memories together.

Mercury : Communication, intellect, and learning. Leaves an everlasting impact friendships/relationships. Plays an important role in friendships by fostering clear communication, intellectual engagement, wit and humor, and open-mindedness.

Communication: Having a strong Mercury connection in a friendship can lead to clear and effective communication between friends. Friends are able to understand each other’s thoughts and ideas quickly and easily.

Intellect: Friends with a strong Mercury connection may enjoy discussing complex topics and ideas together, and may be able to challenge each other’s thinking in a positive way.
Wit and humor: Friends enjoy making each other laugh and engaging in playful banter.

Open-mindedness: Mercury is association with open-mindedness and curiosity initiate exploring new ideas and perspectives between friends.
Analytical thinking: Analytical thinking and problem-solving ability helps eachother infriendship to find creative solutions to problems or challenges.

Jupiter : Growth, expansion, and abundance, and can have an important influence on friendships by fostering positivity, growth, generosity, and adventure. Friends with a strong Jupiter connection may inspire each other to try new things and explore new experiences, while also valuing learning and wisdom. However, they may need to be mindful of overindulging or taking on too much in their pursuit of growth and expansion.

Positivity: Friends with a strong Jupiter connection may have a positive outlook on life and be supportive and encouraging of each other as Jupiter indicates positivity, optimism, and abundance.

Growth and expansion: Jupiter is associated with growth and expansion, friends may inspire each other to grow and expand their horizons.
Generosity: Friends with a strong Jupiter connection may be generous with each other and enjoy sharing their resources.

Adventure: Srong Jupiter connection inspire for adventures and taking risks together. Open to new experiences and opportunities.
Wisdom: Jupiter is associated with wisdom, Connection may have a deep appreciation for learning and knowledge. Freinds may enjoy discussing deep topics and exploring new ideas together.

Excess: Friends with a strong Jupiter connection may need to be mindful of overindulging or taking on too much. They may need to find ways to balance their desire for growth and expansion with the need for moderation and stability.

Venus : Venus foster socialization, affection, harmony, pleasure, loyalty, and sensitivity. Friends with a strong Venus connection may enjoy spending time together in social settings, and may be deeply committed to each other. They may be able to resolve conflicts peacefully and may provide emotional support to each other when needed.

Socialization: Friends with a strong Venus connection may enjoy spending time together in social settings. They may appreciate beauty, music, art, and other aesthetic pursuits, and may enjoy attending events together.
Affection: Venus is associated with affection and love, connection between friends may be warm and affectionate with each other. They may express their love and appreciation for each other openly and frequently.

Harmony: Freinds will value harmony in their friendship. They may be able to resolve conflicts peacefully and may enjoy finding common ground with each other.
Pleasure: Friends with a strong Venus connection may enjoy indulging in pleasurable activities together. They may enjoy cooking and sharing meals, exploring new places, and trying new experiences.

Loyalty: Freinds may be deeply committed to each other. They may be willing to go the extra mile to support each other and may be loyal and reliable friends.
Sensitivity: Venus is associated with sensitivity and emotions, and friends with a strong Venus connection may be able to empathize with each other’s emotions and feelings. They may be able to provide emotional support and validation to each other when needed.

Planetary influence when placed in 11th house ; 11वें भाव में स्थित ग्रह :

The 11th house represents gains and network. The presence of malefic planets such as Saturn, Rahu, or a weak 11th house lord, weak Moon or Weak mercury can indicate a limited social circle.
A weak and poorly placed Moon in the chart can indicate a person who is not well-liked and has few friends.

Malefic aspects on the Ascendant from Saturn or Rahu can indicate a person who struggles to attract friends.
A weak Mercury can indicate a person who is socially awkward or introverted and has a limited social circle.

Saturn: The planet of limitations, restrictions, and isolation. May indicate a person who may have difficulty making and maintaining friendships. They may feel isolated or disconnected from others, and may find it hard to trust and open up to others.

Mars: The planet of action, aggression, and competition. When placed in the 11th house, indicate a person who may be quick to anger and have a tendency to argue or compete with others. This may cause friction and conflict in friendships.

Rahu: Associated with confusion, illusion and greed. May indicate a person who is easily swayed by others and may have difficulty distinguishing true friends from fair-weather friends. They may also have a tendency to be greedy, which can strain relationships.

Sun: The Sun is considered the planet of ego, power and authority. May indicate a person who may be dominating or overbearing in friendships, which can cause tension and conflict but will give a few high class friends who will be well to do and willing to help.

Benefic planets such as Jupiter, Venus in the 11th house represents strong network and large social circle.
A strong and well-placed Moon indicate a native who is well-liked and has many friends.
Mercury indicate a person who is socially active and has a large social circle.
Benefic aspects on the Ascendant from Jupiter or Venus indicate a person with a pleasing personality who attracts many friends.

Jupiter placed in the 11th house indicate a person who is well-connected and has many friends. It can also indicate the possibility of making new friends and expanding one’s social circle.
Venus in the 11th house indicate a person who is sociable, friendly, and easy to get along with. They may have a large group of friends and be well-liked by others.
Mercury in the 11th houseindicate a person who is outgoing, sociable, and able to connect with others easily. They may be a good listener and be able to understand others’ perspectives.
Moon indicate a person who is empathetic, caring and nurturing towards friends, with a strong emotional bond with them.

Planetary Aspects associated with strong friendship and social connections.

A trine(1st, 5th, 9th) aspect from Jupiter to the 11th house.
A sextile(3rd) aspect from Venus to the 11th house.
A trine(1st, 5th, 9th) aspect from the Moon to the 11th house.

Planetary Aspects that can indicate difficulties or challenges in friendship.

A square(4th) aspect from Saturn or Mars.
A opposition(7th) aspect from Sun.

Planetary influence on relationships via transit

Astrological transit play an important role in our ability to form new friendships or strengthen existing ones. This is because the position of the planets in the sky at any given time can have an impact on our energy, emotions, and overall mood. Here are some examples of how astrological timing can influence our social connections:

When Mercury in transit is in retrograde, which happens a few times a year, communication can become more difficult and misunderstandings can be more common. This can make it challenging to form new friendships or maintain existing ones, as conversations may become more prone to misinterpretation or confusion.

The new moon and full moon are powerful astrological events that can have an impact on our emotions and energy levels. During the new moon, which is a time of new beginnings, it can be a good time to set intentions for forming new friendships or strengthening existing ones. During the full moon, which is a time of heightened emotions, it may be a good time to focus on nurturing existing relationships.

When Venus in transit is in retrograde, which happens approximately every 18 months, our ability to form new romantic relationships can be impacted. However, this time can also be a good opportunity to re-evaluate existing relationships and focus on strengthening friendships.

Transits of Jupiter and Saturn are two planets that are associated with growth and stability, respectively. When these planets are in positive aspects with our horoscope, it can be a good time to focus on expanding our social circle and forming new friendships. When these planets are in challenging aspects, it may be a better time to focus on strengthening existing relationships.

Tattva and compatibility between the two persons :

Five elements that make up the physical world: earth, water, fire, air, and ether (also known as akasha) are said to correspond to different qualities and energies, and should be considered to understand the compatibility between two people.

Prithvi Tattva (Earth Element) – This tattva is associated with stability, groundedness, and material wealth. The zodiac signs that correspond to Prithvi Tattva are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Jala Tattva (Water Element) – This tattva is associated with emotion, intuition, and creativity. The zodiac signs that correspond to Jala Tattva are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Agni Tattva (Fire Element) – This tattva is associated with action, energy, and passion. The zodiac signs that correspond to Agni Tattva are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Vayu Tattva (Air Element) – This tattva is associated with movement, change, and communication. The zodiac signs that correspond to Vayu Tattva are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Akasha Tattva (Ether Element) – This tattva is associated with space, expansion, and consciousness. It is considered to be the most subtle and spiritual of the tattvas. There is no zodiac sign that corresponds exclusively to Akasha Tattva, as it is considered to be a universal element that underlies all of the other tattvas.

compatibility between two people can be determined by the tattvas

The compatibility between two people can be determined by their shared tattvas. When two people have compatible tattvas, they may find it easier to understand and communicate with each other and build a deeper connection based on shared values and energy.
Example, two people with strong earth tattva may share a love of stability and practicality, while two people with strong water tattva may share a deep emotional connection.

Example, Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are associated with the earth tattva, which is associated with stability, groundedness, and material wealth. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), on the other hand, are associated with the water tattva, which is associated with emotion, intuition, and creativity.

Additionally, while shared tattvas can be a positive influence on a relationship, differences in tattvas can also provide balance and help the two people complement each other. For example, a person with strong fire tattva (associated with action, energy, and passion) may be attracted to someone with strong water tattva (associated with emotion and intuition), as the water tattva can help balance out the fire tattva’s tendency towards impulsiveness.

When it comes to compatibility, the relationship between two people can be influenced by the balance or imbalance of tattvas. If one person has a strong emphasis on Earth Tattva (Prithvi) , they may find it easier to connect with someone who also has a strong emphasis on Earth Tattva, as they may share similar values and priorities related to stability and material well-being. However, if one person has a strong emphasis on Fire Tattva (Agni) and the other person has a strong emphasis on Water Tattva (Jala), they may find that their energies clash, as Fire Tattva can be too intense and impulsive for Water Tattva, while Water Tattva can be too emotional and introverted for Fire Tattva.

Similar Tattvas: Friends who share the same tattva may understand each other well and have a natural ease in their interactions. For example, two people with strong air tattva may enjoy talking and exchanging ideas, while two people with strong earth tattva may enjoy creating a stable, comfortable environment together.
Opposite Tattvas: Friends who have opposite tattvas can sometimes provide a balance to each other, but they may also experience challenges in understanding each other’s perspectives. For example, someone with strong water tattva may have a hard time understanding someone with strong fire tattva, as they may have different approaches to emotional expression.

Tattva Imbalances: If one friend has a strong imbalance in one tattva (for example, they may have a lot of fire tattva but very little earth tattva), they may struggle to connect with friends who have a different tattva balance. This can sometimes lead to tension or misunderstandings in the friendship

How different tattvas can interact with each other in the context of friendship:

Earth Tattva and Water Tattva: The earth tattva provides stability and grounding while the water tattva provides emotional depth and sensitivity hence these two tattvas blends well with each other . Friends with these tattva connections may enjoy creating a comfortable, nurturing environment for each other and may be able to support each other through emotional challenges.

Water Tattva and Fire Tattva: The water tattva offer emotional depth and intuition while the fire tattva offer passion and drive, therefore these two tattvas provide an interesting contrast. Friends with these tattva connections may enjoy exploring their passions and creative pursuits together while also offering emotional support and nurturing.

Fire Tattva and Air Tattva: The fire tattva provide inspiration and energy while the air tattva provide intellectual stimulation and communication. Friends with these tattva connections may enjoy exploring new ideas, brainstorming, and engaging in lively conversation.

Air Tattva and Ether Tattva: These two tattvas provide a sense of expansiveness and possibility, as the air tattva can offer intellectual curiosity and communication while the ether tattva can offer a sense of transcendence and imagination. Friends with these tattva connections may enjoy exploring new ideas, imagining possibilities, and experiencing a sense of freedom and potential.

Ether Tattva and Earth Tattva: Provides a sense of stability and possibility, as the ether tattva offer a sense of expansiveness and potential while the earth tattva provide stability and grounding. Friends with these tattva connections may enjoy exploring new ideas and possibilities while also creating a comfortable, practical environment for each other.

tattva imbalance

Tattva imbalance refers to a situation where an individual has a significantly higher or lower level of a particular tattva relative to the other tattvas. This imbalance can affect the individual’s personality, behavior, and emotional state, and may impact their ability to form and maintain friendships.

For example, an individual with a strong imbalance in the earth tattva (meaning they have very little earth tattva compared to the other tattvas) may struggle with practical, day-to-day tasks and may have difficulty creating a stable, grounded environment for themselves and their friends. They may also struggle with feelings of anxiety or instability.
On the other hand, an individual with a strong imbalance in the fire tattva (meaning they have very little fire tattva compared to the other tattvas) may struggle with motivation and may have difficulty finding passion and direction in their lives. They may also struggle with feelings of lethargy or apathy.

Tattva imbalances can also affect how individuals interact with others in the context of friendship. For example, an individual with a strong water tattva may struggle to connect with a friend who has a strong fire tattva, as their emotional expression and intensity may be very different.
However, tattva imbalances can also provide a unique perspective or strength to a friendship. For example, a friend with a strong fire tattva (which is associated with passion and creativity) may inspire and motivate a friend with a strong earth tattva (which is associated with stability and practicality).

Working to balance tattva imbalances can help individuals build more fulfilling and meaningful friendships. For example, an individual with a strong earth tattva may benefit from exploring their creativity (which is associated with the fire tattva) in order to bring more passion and energy into their life and their friendships.

Tattvas are just one of the lens through which to view personality and friendship compatibility. It’s worth noting that tattvas can change over time and in response to different life circumstances. For example, an individual who experiences a traumatic event may develop a stronger water tattva as a way of processing and expressing their emotions.

Best Signs for Friendship and Relationships

Opposite Signs often makes great friends. Opposite signs share a modality inspite of being different elements.
Each sign has a modality (Cardial, Fixed , Mutable) (Creation, Preservation,Transformation).

Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces)
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius)

Aquarius :

Aquarius individuals possess a friendly, social, and humanitarian nature that naturally attracts a diverse range of people, making them natural connectors. When it comes to friendships, Aquarians bring a lot to the table, including open-mindedness, loyalty, and intellectual stimulation. They often hold unique perspectives that can make them intriguing and engaging friends, while also valuing their independence.

One of the key traits that makes Aquarians great friends is their open-mindedness. They are accepting of others and have a broad understanding of diverse lifestyles, making them an excellent choice for companionship, regardless of one’s background.

Aquarians also tend to have unconventional thinking, making them independent thinkers with unique ideas and perspectives. This trait allows them to engage in thought-provoking conversations, adding to the intellectual stimulation that they bring to their friendships.

Loyalty is another attribute that Aquarians possess. They are fiercely devoted to their friends and will stand by them through thick and thin. This unwavering support makes them a reliable and trustworthy friend.

Intellectual stimulation is also a critical characteristic of Aquarians. They are naturally curious individuals who love learning new things and are enthusiastic about discussing a wide range of topics and ideas, adding a fresh perspective to any conversation.

Aquarians often have a strong sense of social responsibility, which can make them involved in activism or social justice causes. This shared passion for making a difference in the world makes them great friends for those who also seek to create a positive change in society.

Another interesting trait of Aquarians is their quirkiness. They often possess a unique sense of style or personality that sets them apart from the crowd, making them memorable and endearing friends.

Finally, Aquarians value their independence and recognize the need for alone time to recharge. This trait allows them to maintain healthy boundaries in their friendships, making sure they do not become overly needy or clingy.

Aries :

Aries individuals are well-known for their energetic, adventurous, and confident nature, making them an ideal choice for those who seek an exciting and active social life. They can bring a lot of enthusiasm, confidence, and loyalty to their friendships. Aries people are typically straightforward and honest in their communication, and their zest for life can be contagious for their friends.

There are several key traits that Aries bring to their friendships. First and foremost, Aries are highly enthusiastic and passionate, making them excellent companions for anyone who enjoys a lively and vibrant social life. Their infectious energy can be highly inspiring and motivating for those around them.

Aries people are also confident and assertive, which can be highly inspiring for their friends. They often encourage others to step out of their comfort zones and try new things, providing a refreshing perspective on life.

Loyalty is a crucial trait that Aries people possess. They are fiercely devoted to their friends and will defend them fiercely when needed. Aries friends are known to be highly protective, and they will not tolerate anyone who they feel is treating their friends unfairly or disrespectfully.

Spontaneity is another characteristic of Aries individuals. They are spontaneous and may suggest last-minute plans or activities, adding an element of excitement and unpredictability to their friendships.

Aries people also tend to be straightforward and honest in their communication, which can be refreshing for their friends. They are not afraid to speak their minds and share their opinions, providing a no-nonsense approach to friendship.

Like Aquarians, Aries value their independence and recognize the need for time alone to recharge. This trait ensures that they are not overly clingy or needy in their friendships, allowing them to maintain healthy boundaries and balance in their social lives.

Gemini :

Gemini is known for its versatility, intellect, and sociable nature, making them great friends for those who appreciate these qualities.Their adaptability and flexibility can make them great friends for those who value a diverse and dynamic social circle. They can easily adjust to new situations and people, making them easy to get along with.

Geminis are naturally curious and intellectually inclined, and may enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts. This can make them great friends for those who enjoy deep and thought-provoking conversations. Are outgoing and sociable, and often enjoy being around people. They can be great at making new friends and connecting with others.

Have a playful and witty sense of humor, which make them great friends for those who appreciate a good laugh. They may enjoy cracking jokes and making light of situations, even in difficult times.

Geminis are fiercely loyal to their friends, and will stand by them through thick and thin. They value their relationships and may go out of their way to show their support and care.

May be inconsistent or unpredictable in their behavior or moods, which can be challenging for some friends to navigate. However, their friends who understand and accept this trait may appreciate the excitement and spontaneity that comes with it.

Geminis may have a restless and adventurous spirit, always seeking new experiences and challenges. This can make them great friends for those who share these qualities or enjoy trying new things. Overall, Geminis can bring a lot of versatility, intellect, humor, and loyalty to their friendships. While their inconsistency and restlessness may pose challenges at times, their sociable nature and ability to adapt to different situations can make them great friends for a wide range of people.

Leo :

Leo : is renowned for its warmth, generosity, and charismatic nature, making them an excellent companion for anyone who enjoys a dynamic and lively social life. Known for their generosity with their time, energy, and resources. They take pleasure in pampering their friends and making them feel special.

Leos possess an inherent charisma and charm that attracts people to them. This quality makes them great friends for those who thrive in a dynamic and energetic social scene. Are fiercely loyal to their friends and will stand by them through thick and thin. They have an optimistic outlook on life, and they are great at spreading positivity and inspiration to their friends.

Leos are naturally creative, and they may have an inclination towards art, music, or other creative endeavors. This makes them an excellent companion for anyone who shares their interests. Self-assured and confident,hence empowering and encouraging their friends. They may inspire their friends to be more assertive and confident as well.

Leos have a playful and fun-loving nature, which can make them excellent friends for anyone who enjoys a good time. Overall, Leos have a lot to offer in terms of warmth, generosity, and charisma. They are loyal, optimistic, and inspiring, and their creativity and confidence can be empowering for their friends.

Virgo :

Virgos are known for their practicality, reliability, and attention to detail, making them great companions for those who value these traits. Virgos are dependable and responsible individuals, making them ideal friends for those who place a high value on dependability. Detail-oriented Virgo, often notice things that others may miss. This quality can be valuable for their friends in various ways.

Virgos are considerate and often go above and beyond for their friends. They remember important dates and events, and may put in a lot of effort to plan something special.

Are practical thinkers and can offer practical solutions to problems. They may be valuable friends for those who need help with organization or planning. Being intelligent and analytical, often enjoying discussing complex topics or ideas. They are great companions for those who appreciate intellectual conversations.

Virgos may initially appear shy or introverted, making them hesitant to approach new people or situations. However, once they feel comfortable, they can be supportive and loyal friends. Have high standards and may be perfectionists. While this can be a positive trait in many ways, it can also make them critical of themselves and others.
Overall, Virgos offer practicality, reliability, and thoughtfulness to their friendships. They may be introverted at first, but once comfortable, they are loyal and supportive friends. Their attention to detail, intelligence, and practicality can also be valuable assets in different situations.

Sagittarius :

Sagittarians : are known for their adventurous spirit, love of freedom, and their willingness to take risks. These qualities can make them great friends for those who appreciate spontaneity and excitement. Love to explore new places and try new things, and they can inspire their friends to join in on the fun. They may plan exciting trips or suggest spontaneous outings that their friends may not have considered before.

Sagittarians tend to have a positive outlook on life and can bring an optimistic and upbeat energy to their friendships. They may encourage their friends to see the bright side of things and find joy in even the most challenging situations. Are known for their honesty and may be the friend who tells it like it is. They value authenticity and may be willing to have difficult conversations if it means helping their friends grow and improve.

Sagittarians have a great sense of humor and can be fun-loving and playful with their friends. They may enjoy cracking jokes or finding humor in unexpected places. Value their independence and may give their friends the space and freedom to pursue their own interests and passions. They may also value friendships that allow for individual growth and exploration. Are known for their honesty and may be the friend who tells it like it is. They value authenticity and may be willing to have difficult conversations if it means helping their friends grow and improve.

Can sometimes be blunt or tactless, which may rub some people the wrong way. However, their honesty and straightforwardness can also be refreshing and valuable in a world that often values politeness over authenticity.

Overall, Sagittarians can bring a lot of adventure, optimism, and honesty to their friendships. They value independence and growth, and may inspire their friends to try new things and see the world in a new light. Their sense of humor and curiosity can also make them great companions for those who enjoy exploring new ideas and having fun.

Why Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius signs are powerful signs which give a personality of their own to the native, but their sociability is not their strong point ?

How to improve social connections by using astrology. Some strategies to consider:

A. Identify compatible signs.
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are compatible with other fire and air signs.
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are compatible with other water and earth signs.
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are compatible with other air and fire signs.
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are compatible with other earth and water signs.

B. Pay attention to Transits.
Astrological timing can play a role in our ability to form new friendships or strengthen existing ones. By paying attention to the new moon, full moon, or planetary transits, you can time your social activities to align with the most supportive energies.

C. Use self-reflection.
Self-reflection can be a powerful tool for personal growth and can ultimately lead to improved social connections. By regularly reflecting on your own personality traits and tendencies, and how they interact with others, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others, and become more intentional about forming and nurturing relationships.

D. The Planets and Their Influence on Social Connections.
Planets such as Venus, which is associated with love and social connections, and Mars, which can impact our assertiveness and ability to take action in social situations.

E. The Houses and Their Influence on Social Connections
7th house, which is associated with partnerships and relationships, and the 11th house, which is associated with friendships and social connections.


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose track of the bigger picture and feel lost in the chaos. Astrology offers a unique perspective to help us navigate through life’s ups and downs. At Planets4U, we provide astrology consultation services to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life’s purpose.
Whether you’re facing relationship issues, career challenges, or health concerns, our astrology experts can provide you with insights and guidance based on your birth chart and planetary positions.
At Planets4U, we believe that astrology is not just about predicting the future but also about empowering individuals to make informed decisions and live a more fulfilling life. We strive to provide our clients with the tools and resources they need to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

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