Basic Principle to be considered while analysing Horoscope

1Quadrant/Kendra Lord Connected to Trine/Trikona LordRajayoga or Position of power
2Planets posited in Trine/TrikonaGives favourable results irrespective of their ownership
3Any Planet posited in Dusthana (6th H,8th H,12thH)Reduces the significances of the house owned by them
4Lord of Dusthana(6th H,8th H,12th H)Diminishes significances of the house occupied by them
5Any Planet posited in Trine/TrikonaEnhances the results of the house owned by them
6Exalted PlanetGives easy success according to the significations of house owned by  them
7Natural Benefic PlanetsEnhances natural signification of house occupied by them
8Function Banefic PlanetsEnhances material significations of the house occupied by them