Dhrudhara yoga – For wealth and prosperity

Dhrudhara yoga gets formed when both the 2nd and the 12th from the natal Moon get occupied by the planets other than Sun.

The presence of this yoga gives wealth , prosperity ,servant’s ,vehicles and all material comforts and luxuries of modern life. The native earns fame through his speech, learning valour and virtue. The result of this yoga fully manifest its influence on the native when the planet constituting the yoga occupy their own house or friendly house, or their sign of exaltation or their own,  or friendly houses in the navamsa chart. Mixed result may be observed if the planet moon be too close to Sun ,Rahu or Ketu in the chart.

The Durudhara yoga constituted by the benefic planets gives better result to that formed by the malefic planets. When the different planets constitutes durudhara yoga they confer different manifestation to the results experienced by the native.

The variation in the result of the yoga under the association of different pair of planets:

Mars and Mercury – If the 2nd and the 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by the planets Mars and Mercury then the native is rich ,clever , wicket ,greedy and addicted to an elderly and chest a woman.

Mars and Jupiter –  If the 2nd and the 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by the planets Mars and Jupiter than the native is renowned , rich , quick tempered , aggressive , strong and accumulate prosperity and good fortune by his own efforts or hard work.

Mars and Venus – If the 2nd and the 12th  house from the natal moon is occupied by the planets Mars and Venus then the native is good looking ,rich ,handsome brave, sporty,pious, wealthy , skillful and have a lovely spouse.

Mars and Saturn – If the 2nd and the 12th  house from the natal moon is occupied by the planets Mars and Saturn then the native is addicted to wicked and unchaste women , engaged in unlawful and for forbidden deeds, quick tempered, treacherous, enjoy victory over enemies and opponents.

Mercury and Jupiter – If the 2nd and 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by the planets Mercury and Jupiter then the native is learned, pious, religious ,rich ,eloquent, poetic, earns name fame and popularity in life.

Mercury and Venus – If the 2nd and 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by the planet Mercury and Venus than the native is eloquent, sweet speech, good looking , fond of music,  dance and art, courageous and diplomatic.

Mercury and Saturn – If the 2nd and 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by the planets Mercury and Saturn then the native is Nomadic and travel from one place to another or goes from one country to another to earn money and wealth. Native earns name, fame, wealth and prosperity in life in a foreign land away from his native place.

Jupiter and Venus – If the 2nd and 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by the planet Jupiter and Venus then the native is wise, rich ,greedy prosperous ,popular and renowned in life.

Jupiter and Saturn – If the 2nd and 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by the planet Jupiter and Saturn than the native is wealthy, fortunate , enjoy comfort and material success, humble ,sweet tongued, scholarly, handsome, reserved and financially prosperous in life .

Venus and Saturn – If the 2nd and 12th house from the natal moon is occupied by the planets Venus and Saturn than the native is rich wealthy, clever, cunning, handsome prosperous and popular among the opposite sex or liked by the women.

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