Effective Remedies for a Thriving Business to maximize your business profits and achieve sustainable growth. Implement these strategies and watch your income soar! (अपने व्यावसायिक मुनाफे को अधिकतम करने और स्थायी विकास प्राप्त करने के लिए सिद्ध उपायों को जानें। इन रणनीतियों को लागू करें और अपनी आय को बढ़ते हुए देखें!)
Powerful strategies and actionable remedies ignite your business growth and achieve remarkable success.

Effective Remedies for a Thriving Business: Why Obstacles ,Failures , Sudden Fall in Business;
व्यापार में रुकावट, असफलता, अचानक गिरावट क्यों :
1. Lord of the tenth house in a horoscope is situated in the 6th, 8th or 12th.
कुंडली में दशम भाव का स्वामी छठे, आठवें या बारहवें भाव में स्थित होता है।
2. Debilitated or weak lord of 2nd , 7th ,10th house.
दूसरे, सातवें, दसवें भाव का स्वामी नीच का या कामजोर ।
3. 8th indicates a sudden crisis of life.
4. Saturn transit over the 8th or Ketu.
शनि आठवें या केतु में गोचर कर रहा है।
5.Dasha and Antardasha of 12th house lord.
6. Moon connected to 10th house results in fluctuations in business.
7. Afflicted Mercury,Jupiter,Mars, Sun.
8.Periods of planets in 6/8 or 2/12 position.
9.Periods of 3rd,5th,7th constellation lord from Moon constellation.
10. Periods of retrograde planets.
11. Periods of combust,debilitated or planet in 1st or last degree in a sign.
12.Dasha of planet conjunct with Ketu placed in 8th or 12th house.
13. Dasha of Sun and Saturn in opposition or in conjunction.
14.Mars and Venus together in 8th or 2nd.
15. Rahu with Sun or in 2nd in any sign except Sagittarius will give down fall during its period.
16. During the period of 2nd lord is afflicted by 12th lord.
17.Ketu in 8th.
18. If 8th lord is stronger than Ascendant lord or 10th lord and not associated with benefic Jupiter.
19. 10th Lord of D1 or D10 in 8th in D9.
20. Sun/Ascendant/Mercury in paapkartari yoga.
Effective Remedies for a Thriving Business :
- Offering water to Sun – Surya Arghya
सूर्य को जल अर्पित करना – सूर्य अर्घ्य
Should be performed early in the morning between 6am -7:45 am. After taking bath take a brass or copper vessel with 250 ml or more water ,put small amount of jaggery and yellow flowers in it for the offering. Walk barefoot to a place where you can clearly see the sun, stand on the balls of your feet and slowly let down a constant trickle of water, while looking at the sun through the water flow, for 3-5 minutes. The stream of water is not supposed to broken during the offering. While looking at the sun you are to recite the Surya mantra. It is believed that this will bring peace and energy to your body in the early morning. - On each Amavasya (no moon day), spread dhuni of Rai in your business place to evacuate negative energy which may bring prosperity to your business and also help to increase your sales.
- Whenever buy material for business, get some toys alongside it and give these to small children.
- Install Energized Narmadeshwar Shivling and Shree yantra at your workplace and regularly worship them with full dedication to develop your business.
अपने कार्यस्थल पर ऊर्जावान नर्मदेश्वर शिवलिंग और श्री यंत्र स्थापित करें और अपने व्यवसाय को विकसित करने के लिए नियमित रूप से पूरे समर्पण के साथ उनकी पूजा करें। - Keep one Peepal leaf on Saturday at your business place. Worship it with an incense stick and keep it underneath where you sit. Do it for 7 Saturdays. Whenever seven leaves are collected, they all should be flown in a river or water in a holy place.
- Take 11 Gomti Chakra and rap them in a red fabric and keep them at a place where you keep cash in your shop.
- Make some Besan ladoos, wave them around your head seven times and feed them to a cow on Thursday.
बेसन के कुछ लड्डू बनाकर अपने सिर पर सात बार घुमाकर गुरुवार के दिन किसी गाय को खिलाएं। - Worship Maa Lakshmi on regular basis and on Friday night light nine Desi Ghee lamps at your place of business as well as at home. Recite Shree Suktam while doing so.
- For good growth in business, you should clean your business premises with Ganges water daily.
- The remedy should be started from the Chaturthi of Shukla Paksha and if you cannot start on that day, then this remedy should be done from the first Wednesday of Shukla Paksha. Write the mantra “Om Ganeshaaya Namah” on a white new plain paper 11 times with red ink and keep a coin of one rupee along with it.
- Keep this paper and money at the place of daily worship. After completion of one month make a garland of paper written mantras, make a garland by folding the paper only twice and thread the garland in the red thread but do not thread the garland with a needle. Make a hole in the paper with a wooden spleen and remove the red thread from it. Offer this it in the Ganesh temple. Buy laddus from all the money you have accumulated and offered it to Lord Ganesha.
- Every Tuesday and Saturday, apply tilak on your forehead or under the saturn finger of right hand palm on Saturn mount from Hanuman ji’s right leg thumb.
हर मंगलवार और शनिवार को हनुमान जी के दाहिने पैर के अंगूठे से शनि पर्वत पर अपने माथे पर या दाहिने हाथ की हथेली की शनि उंगली के नीचे तिलक लगाएं। - Fast on every Saturday and visit Shani Temple after sunset.
प्रत्येक शनिवार को उपवास रखें और सूर्यास्त के बाद शनि मंदिर के दर्शन करें। - Sprinkle pepper and dark grams in your shop or office on Sunday. After doing this clean them yourself with a broom and bury them in any deserted place without anyone knowing.
- Just after sunrise every morning, offer water mixed with jaggery and yellow flowers to the Lord sun and chant Surya Gayatri Mantra 108 times. This ritual should be performed for 11 days continuously starting from the first Sunday of the month.
- Bring 8 beetle leaves and 5 Peepal leaves on Saturday. Tie it with a red colored thread and keep and hang it in the east direction of the shop. This tone and totke will help you to run business smoothly.
- Go to the nearest Lord Shiva temple on Monday after 9 PM and pour milk and water on Shivling. Chant the mantra “Om Someshwaray Namah” 108 times and pray for the development of the business. It will bring very good result.
Effective Remedies for a Thriving Business: recite Given mantra 108 times, starting from Wednesday of shukla paksha.

Effective Remedies for a Thriving Business: Lucky Color

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