GANA KOOTARefers to adoptability of the temperament of the boy and girl. According to their temparement ,they are :
Sattvik – Deva Gana – By nature pure in their deeds , soft temperament, inclined to be good.
Constellations:(Moon placement)(Janama Nakshatra)Ashwini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu , pushyami, Hasta , Swati, Anuradha, Sravan, Revati.

Rajas – Manushya Gana – By nature both good and bad in their deeds , mixed temperament , will do harm when they are provoked. Constellations:(Moon placement)(Janama Nakshatra)Bharani, Rohini, Ardira, P.Phalguni, U. Phalguni, P.Asadha, U.Asadha, P.Bhadra, U.Bhadra.
Tamas – Rakshasa Gana – By nature usually bad in their deeds , inclined to indulge in mean and selfish acts.
Constellations:(Moon placement)(Janama Nakshatra) Krittika, Ashlesa, Magha, Chitra, Vishaka, Jyestha, Moola, Dhanishta, Satabisha.

Exceptions : a) If the consellation of the girl is beyond 12 when counted from the constellation of the boy, evil effects of Rakshasa are nullified.

b) If Sign lords Of girl and boy are same or friends of if sign of the girl and boy be 7th from each other, effects are nullified.

c) If unafflicted waxing Moon occupies the Ascendant or the 7th house of the person of Rakshasa Gana.

d) If Adhi yoga is present in the chart of boy or girl.

**** Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, situated in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th house from the Natal Moon give rise to Adhi yoga (provided the planets giving rise to this yoga are neither aspected by or joined by malefic planets)

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