Investment astrology / निवेश ज्योतिष

निवेश और ज्योतिष का अद्भुत कनेक्शन है।

Mutual Funds: Beneficial when the 5th, 11th house and planets  Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are well-placed and aspected. Jupiter’s influence favors long-term growth and Rahu’s placement in these houses can result in unexpected gains.

Fixed Deposits: Preferable when Saturn is strong and aspects the 2nd or 11th house, indicating stable financial returns. The 2nd house lord and Jupiter’s influence support secure savings.

Investment astrology : What is the difference between Mutual Fund and Fixed Deposits?
म्यूचुअल फंड और फिक्स्ड डिपॉजिट में क्या अंतर है?

Investment Astrology :Fixed Deposit is one of the safest investment avenue ,interest is decided before investment for predetermined tenor with the facility of pre mature withdrawal or account linking whereas Mutual Fund is made up of portfolio of stocks,bonds,equities ,market linked securities where multiple investors pool their money and profit earned is distributed equally among investors. Interest and risk is higher.

फिक्स्ड डिपॉजिट सबसे सुरक्षित निवेश एवेन्यू में से एक है, पूर्व निर्धारित अवधि के लिए निवेश से पहले ब्याज तय किया जाता है, जिसमें पूर्व परिपक्व निकासी या खाता लिंकिंग की सुविधा होती है, जबकि म्यूचुअल फंड स्टॉक, बांड, इक्विटी, बाजार से जुड़ी प्रतिभूतियों के पोर्टफोलियो से बना होता है जहां कई निवेशक अपना पैसा जमा करते और अर्जित लाभ निवेशकों के बीच समान रूप से वितरित किया जाता है। ब्याज और जोखिम अधिक है।

Investment astrology : Is there Money in Horoscope through Fixed Deposits or Mutual Investments? To blessed with gains, luck plays a major role.

Investment astrology
Investment astrology

The Wealth is attributed to 2nd and 11th houses irrespective of Ascendant. 2nd house is house of wealth and 11th house is general gains. The interrelation of the lords of these houses if well placed and aspected by benefics results in acquistion of wealth through investments.

5th house signifies speculation hence plays major role. It is 2nd from 4th which represents general public hence gains from source which involve public money and benefit of one person against loss of many. Jupiter in 5th plays considerable role.

9th house signifies luck and fortune.
6th house being 2nd from 5th indicates multiple gains through speculation.
8th house brings in other people money, house of windfall of money.
Sudden and secret wealth.
1st house represents self when connected with any of the above mentioned houses indicates the money brought to self.

Planets that rules 2, 5, 9 ,11 houses in individual horoscope are Money bringing planets. Planet placed in 8th will bring other money which could be interest , Insurance or money from other investments . 6th house lord connected with money houses will bring gains through Mutual Funds.

Harmonious connection of the luminaries with kendra and trikona generates the most effictive Dhana Yoga.
Jupiter and Venus are money significators( Dhana Karaka). Produce luck,wealth,luxury and comforts. Connection between 2nd , ,5th,9th,11th shows sudden and great gains without much efforts. If these houses establish relationship with 6th then good returns through investments.

Investment astrology
Investment astrology : 1,5,9

If native is not destined to earn from mutual funds which involves stocks then better to invest in Fixed Deposits which means if Jupiter , Venus , Mercury, Moon or Rahu/Ketu is not associated with 1st,5th or 9th (Lakshmi Sthan)native should not consider investing in Mutual Fund.

Fixed Deposits investing should be considered from 2nd of wealth accumulation and and 11th house of gains. PARIVARTAN YOGA of the 2nd and 11th houses will make investment successful.

Planets Waxing Moon , Jupiter, Venus, Mercury connected to these house will always give money. Planets Saturn, Rahu or Ketu placed in 2nd will become obstacles in savings. If 2nd Lord placed in 12th then also saving will be a problem as whatever earned will be spend.

Scope of earning and gains from speculation is judged by 5th house through planets placed in 5th , placement of lord of 5th, planet aspecting 5th, planets aspecting lord of 5th.

Investment astrology : Aspect of 5/9 between Jupiter and Saturn creates ease and comfort for prosperity.
Investment astrology : Aspect of 5/9 between Jupiter and Saturn creates ease and comfort for prosperity.

Few combinations:

Strong 5th house and 5th lord aspected by Venus , Jupiter, postive Mercury or Rahu indicates money from Mutual Fund Investments.

Strong 5th house and 5th lord aspected by Saturn ,Sun or Ketu indicates loss from Mutual Fund Investments.

Strong 5th house and 5th lord aspected by Mars indicates high risk factor due to rashness in investing in Mutual Fund Investments.

Strong 5th house and 5th lord connected to 2nd , 11th house or their lords indicates money from Mutual Fund Investments.

If 5th house and 5th lord connected to 12th then native may loose money in Mutual Fund Investments.

10th lord in 5th or 1st lord or 7th lord in 5th or their connection with 5th Lord ensure good returns from investments.

Rahu placed in 5th, 9th or 11th or aspects their lords makes way from sudden riches and fortune through investments.

Strong Jupiter associated with 2nd or 5th house or their lords gives fortune through Mutual Funds.

Investment astrology, Rahu and Speculation
Rahu and Speculation

Investment astrology, Effects of Planets placed in 5th house :

Investment astrology, Effects of Planets placed in 5th house
Effects of Planets placed in 5th house
  • Sun is not favourable for any type of speculation gives losses.
  • Moon gives the ability of being good investor. Native earns wealth through investments.
  • Mars basically gives rashness hence in turn give loss in investment due to rash thinking without considering the outcome. But debilitated Mars in the 11th house may fetch good profit.
  • Mercury gives fortune via investment,earning of enormous wealth due to strong intuition.
  • Jupiter the planet of expansion gives success in financial matters related to earning through investments in funds.
  • Venus gives riches through speculative means. Native will be fortunate enough.
  • Saturn being the karmic planet does not like easy money. Native looses if try to take short cuts.Heavy losses will be there.
  • Rahu gives sudden enormous gains as well as losses in speculation ,hence careful investment should be done keeping in mind the strength of Rahu and current transit.
  • Ketu is absolutely nono for investment point of view as it gives aggressiveness and short temperament which is not reccomended for speculation.

If Moon placed in the 8th house of the horoscope, the person will earn money, and also the loss from the investment.
Weak moon in the chart one should avoid investments.

If there is no planet in the Trine then the person should avoid investing.

If 5th, 9th, 11th, or 2nd house lord are positioned retrograde then this will make losses more possible.

Lords of 6th and 8th inspite of giving unexpected and sudden gains may set hurdles also.
6th and 11th lors falling in 12th will give losses.

Mercury with lord of 5th or 6th indicates Loss.
More than one malefic placed in 12th will give loss in investments.
Exchange of 2nd and 12th lord will also indicate loss of money.

Investment astrology, Favourable Transit :

The Planets posited and aspecting  the 2nd house and the lord of 2nd house(Dhana Karaka) when get influenced by each other while in Transit, indicates right time to realise wealth.

Aspect of 5/9 between Jupiter and Saturn creates ease and comfort for prosperity while transit. 

Rahu or Ketu aspects Jupiter with trine then Jupiter also aspects them with trine. This transit is very powerful for investment. Natal planets aspected by transiting grand trine creates sudden windfall.

Transiting Jupiter aspecting transiting or natal Rahu or casting trine to other natal benefic planet.

1. Favourable Muhurat enhances the chances of success. Muhurat Chart at the time of investing should have storng and well fortified 5th and 9th house along with their lords and Moon. 12th house should be weak and should not be associated with 11th or 2nd house. Saturn should not be influencing 2nd house of wealth. Ascendant and its lord should be strong. 8th house should be empty.

2. If 12th or 4th Tithi falls on Sunday then should be avoided for investments. 11th and 6th Tithi falls on Monday should also be avoided.
3. Amavasya, Sankranti, Grahans days are not auspicious for investments.

4. Auspicious tithis are : 1st – Prtipada , 3rd – Tritya , 6th – Shasthi , 9th – Navmi , 10th – Dashmi , 11th – Ekadashi are good for Fixed Deposits ; 2nd – Dwitiya , 5th – Panchami , 7th – Saptmi , 8th – Ashtami are Good for Mutual Funds.

5. Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday to be avoided.
6. Unfavourable Nakshatras : Sunday – Bharani ; Monday – Chitra ; Tuesday – U.Ashadha ; Wednesday – Dhanishta ; Thursday U. Phaguni; Friday – Jyeshta ; Saturday – Revati.

7. Rahu Kalanm period should be avoided.

Investment astrology
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