Ishta / Dharma / Palana / Kul /Guru devata - to whom we feels always

Ishta DevAta/ Dharma DevAta / Palana DevAta/ Kul DevAta/Guru devata – to whom we feels always connected to .इष्ट / धर्म / पालन / कुल / गुरु देवता – जिनसे हम हमेशा जुड़ा हुआ महसूस करते हैं

Ishta devata/ Dharma devata / Palana devata/ Kul devata/Guru devata
Ishta devata/ Dharma devata / Palana devata/ Kul devata/Guru devata- to whom we feels always

“Nurturing Our Spiritual Bond: The Importance of Ishta Devata, Dharma Devata, Palana Devata, Kul Devata, and Guru Devata” – the significance of personal deities.

Nurturing Our Spiritual Bond with the help of Ishta Devata, Dharma Devata, Palana Devata, Kul Devata, and Guru Devata is the process of cultivating and strengthening the connection between an individual and their spiritual beliefs, practices, and deities. The bond which is essential to achieving spiritual growth, inner peace, and fulfillment in life.

Regular worship, meditation, prayer, and other spiritual practices help individuals connect with their personal deities.
Nurturing our spiritual bond involve living a life that aligns with our moral obligations or Dharma. By fulfilling our responsibilities, treating others with kindness and respect, and contributing to society, we can create a positive impact and feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Ishta Devata a personal deity help overcome obstacles, attain spiritual growth, and achieve success. Living in alignment with our Dharma, seeking guidance and protection from our Palana or Kul Devata, and seeking spiritual wisdom and guidance from our Guru Devata.

the Significance of Ishta Devata, Dharma Devata, Palana Devata, Kul Devata, and Guru Devata

  • Guiding Forces
  • Help Us Navigate Life’s Challenges
  • Unpacking the Essence of Soulful Connections.
  • The Power of Personal Deities.
  • Elevating Our Spiritual Practice

We can worship as many forms of the Supreme as we please , but for the achievement of the Purushartha (the 4 aims of Human life) – Dharma (religion), Artha (economy), Kama (desires) and Moksha (liberation) , It is advisable to worship Ishta Devata. Better to concenrtate on one for spiritual progress. The deity protects us from hindrances and untoward incidents in everyday life and leads us towards liberation from the excruciating cycle of life and death.

हम जितने चाहें भगवान के कई रूपों की पूजा कर सकते हैं, लेकिन पुरुषार्थ (मानव जीवन के 4 उद्देश्य) की प्राप्ति के लिए – धर्म (धर्म), अर्थ (अर्थव्यवस्था), काम (इच्छाएं) और मोक्ष (मुक्ति), यह इष्ट देवता की पूजा करने की सलाह दी जाती है। आध्यात्मिक प्रगति के लिए एक पर ध्यान देना बेहतर है। देवता हमें रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में बाधाओं और अप्रिय घटनाओं से बचाते हैं और हमें जीवन और मृत्यु के कष्टदायी चक्र से मुक्ति की ओर ले जाते हैं।

WHO IS ISHTA DEVATA ? The one who leads us towards moksha (salvation).

Ishta Devata is a Sanskrit term that refers to a personal deity that an individual chooses to worship. The word “Ishta” means desired or favorite, and “Devata” means deity or divine being. Ishta Devata is chosen based on an individual’s personal preferences, spiritual inclination, and astrological chart. The deity is believed to represent an individual’s higher self, innermost desires, and aspirations. It is also believed to help individuals to overcome obstacles, attain spiritual growth, and achieve success in their endeavors.

इष्ट देवता कौन है ? वह जो हमें मोक्ष (मोक्ष) की ओर ले जाते हैं ।

इष्ट देवता एक संस्कृत शब्द है जो एक व्यक्तिगत देवता को संदर्भित करता है जिसे एक व्यक्ति पूजा करने के लिए चुनता है। "इष्ट" शब्द का अर्थ वांछित या पसंदीदा है, और "देवता" का अर्थ देवता या दिव्य प्राणी है। इष्ट देवता का चयन किसी व्यक्ति की व्यक्तिगत प्राथमिकताओं, आध्यात्मिक झुकाव और ज्योतिषीय चार्ट के आधार पर किया जाता है। माना जाता है कि देवता किसी व्यक्ति के उच्च स्व, अंतरतम इच्छाओं और आकांक्षाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। यह भी माना जाता है कि यह व्यक्तियों को बाधाओं को दूर करने, आध्यात्मिक विकास प्राप्त करने और उनके प्रयासों में सफलता प्राप्त करने में मदद करता है।

Why do we worship Ishta Deveta ?

Worshiping the ISHTA DEVATA can help individuals to harness the positive energy of their ruling deity and overcome obstacles in their lives and gain their blessings for success and prosperity. The ruling deity is believed to be the guiding force that provides strength, wisdom, and protection to the individual. Worshiping the ISHTA DEVATA can also help individuals to connect with their higher selves and attain spiritual growth, cultivate a sense of gratitude, humility, and inner peace, which can have a positive impact on their overall well-being.

In summary, the worship of ISHTA DEVATA is significant as it helps individuals to connect with their guiding deity and harness their positive energy for success, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

क्यों इष्ट देवता कि पूजा करनी चाहिए ?

इष्ट देवता की पूजा करने से लोगों को अपने शासक देवता की सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का उपयोग करने और अपने जीवन में आने वाली बाधाओं को दूर करने और सफलता और समृद्धि के लिए उनका आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने में मदद मिल सकती है। इष्ट देवता को मार्गदर्शक बल माना जाता है जो व्यक्ति को शक्ति, ज्ञान और सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है। 
इष्ट देवता की पूजा करने से व्यक्तियों को अपने उच्च स्व से जुड़ने और आध्यात्मिक विकास प्राप्त करने, कृतज्ञता, विनम्रता और आंतरिक शांति की भावना पैदा करने में मदद मिल सकती है, जो उनके समग्र कल्याण पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डाल सकती है।
संक्षेप में, इष्ट देवता की पूजा महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह व्यक्तियों को उनके मार्गदर्शक देवता से जुड़ने में मदद करती है और सफलता, समृद्धि और आध्यात्मिक विकास के लिए उनकी सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का उपयोग करती है।

WHO IS YOUR ISHTA DEVATA ? How to Find Your Ishta Devata ?

WHO IS YOUR ISHTA DEVATA ? How to Find Your Ishta Devata ?

Atmakaraka, is the significator of the soul’s desire,   the planet with highest degree in Rashi chart (D1).
Karakamsa is the house and sign where Atmakaraka is placed in the Navamsa chart – D9 .
eg : Atmakaraka is Sun at 28 degree in rashi chart, it is placed in 10th house of Navamsa chart, so this 10th house will be Karakamsa .

ISHTA DEVATA is guiding Diety ; 12th house is related to Moksha / Salvation ;
Hence the 12th house from Karakamsha in Navamsa D9 indicates ISHTA DEVTA.
Planet placed in this house indicates ISHTA DEVTA.

If more than one planet is there then consider the strongest, In case no planet is placed, the lord of 12th will determine the ISHTA DEVETA .
Odd sign in the 12th house in D9 or where 12th lord placed in D9 represents “Male Deity” , Even sign represents “Female Deity.

कौन हैं आपके इष्ट देवता ? अपने इष्ट देवता को कैसे जाने ?

आत्माकारक, आत्मा की इच्छा का कारक है, राशि चार्ट में उच्चतम डिग्री वाला ग्रह। कारक अम्सा वह घर और चिन्ह है जहां नवांश चार्ट – डी 9 में आत्मकारक रखा गया है।
उदाहरण : राशी कुण्डली में आत्मकारक 28 अंश का सूर्य है, यह नवांश कुण्डली के दसवें भाव में स्थित है, अत: यह दसवां भाव कारक अम्सा होगा।

इष्ट देवता मार्गदर्शी हैं; द्वादश भाव मोक्ष से संबंधित है| इसलिए नवमांश D9 में कारकांश से बारहवां भाव इष्ट देवता को दर्शाता है। इस भाव में स्थित ग्रह इष्ट देवता को दर्शाता है। यदि एक से अधिक ग्रह हों तो सबसे बलवान माने, यदि कोई ग्रह न हो तो द्वादश भाव का स्वामी इष्ट देवता का निर्धारण करेगा।


Dharam Devata represents the divine principle of righteousness, duty, and morality. It is believed that connecting with Dharam Devata can help an individual to develop a strong sense of ethics and morality, and to align their actions with their higher purpose, Spiritual growth, fulfilling aspirations, gaining knowledge, overcoming obstacles, strengthening moral values, and attracting good fortune.


 The DHARAM DEVATA gives you higher learnings and protects from impending evils. Worshipping DHARAM DEVATA can bring positive energy, auspiciousness, and blessings to an individual’s life. Individual’s learning abilities gets enhanced and help them gain knowledge in their field of interest. DHARAM DEVATA provide protection and guidance to those who seek their blessings.

Worshipping this deity can help an individual overcome obstacles and challenges in their life.can help an individual to develop a strong sense of ethics and moral values, leading to a virtuous life.can attract abundance, wealth, and opportunities to an individual’s life.

WHO IS YOUR DHARAM DEVATA ? How to find your dharam devata?

The Planet in 9th from karakamsa(Karakamsa is the house and sign where Atmakaraka is placed in the Navamsa chart – D9) indicates Dharam devta. If more than one planet is there then consider the strongest, In case no planet is placed, the lord of 9th house will determine the Dharam devta .

WHO IS PALAN DEVATA ? The one who bless the success, prosperity, protection, livelihood and financial success.

The Palan Devata associated with livelihood and financial success have the power to bless the individual with a stable income, wealth, and prosperity. Responsible for providing support and guidance to an individual in their efforts to earn a livelihood.

This may include blessings related to finding a suitable job, starting a successful business, or achieving financial stability, overall success of an individual.


Palan Devata helps to guide and protect the individual, and provides blessings related to their specific needs and goals towrds their livelihood and finances. Through regular worship, one can develop a deeper understanding of their destiny and receive the guidance and protection needed to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

This is because earning a livelihood is a crucial aspect of human existence, and is closely tied to our material well-being and overall quality of life. By seeking the blessings of Palan Devata for our livelihood and financial success, we are acknowledging the importance of these aspects of our lives, and seeking divine intervention to help us achieve our goals.

WHO IS YOUR palan DEVATA ? How to find your palan devata?

Planet in 6th from the house where Amatyakaraka(2nd highest degree planet in Rashi chart – D1) is placed in Navamsa (D9) specify Palan devta. If more than one planet is there then consider the strongest, if none then the lord of this particular 6th house from Amatyakaraka in Navamsa is to be consider as identifier of Palan Devata.

WHO IS KUL DEVATA ? The one who blesses the family lineage.who protects and guides through life. The term “Kul” means lineage or family, and “Devata” refers to a deity or god..

KUL DEVATA is the family deity or the presiding deity of one’s ancestry. The Kul Devata is considered as the protector of the family and is believed to be responsible for the well-being of its members. It is believed that the Kul Devata has a special connection with the family members and has the power to intervene in their lives and provide them with guidance and blessings.

Provides a unique connection between the family members and the divine power that guides and protects them through life.

Why do we Worship Kul Devata?

Kul Devata mitigate any negative effects of planetary positions and shower blessings for overall prosperity and well-being of the family. Has the power to intervene in our lives and provide us with guidance and blessings.

The Kul Devata can protect the family from negative energies, evil spirits, and other obstacles that may arise in life. Must be worshipped by all family members.

WHO IS YOUR KUL DEVATA ? How to find your KUL devata?

Planet placed in 2nd house in D20 or Vimshamsha divisional chart indicates the Kul Devata . If more that one planets then the strongest planet will guide, if no planets then check for the planet aspecting it, if multiple planet aspecting select strongest according to avastha( Bala, Kumara, Yuva, Vriddha and Mritya). If no planet aspecting then consider the lord of 2nd house.

WHO IS GURU DEVATA ? GURU DEVATA is associated with wisdom, knowledge, spirituality, and growth. The one who blesses the family with teaching of dharma, jyotish, spirituality and vedas.

The blessings of Guru Devata can help individuals and families to gain a deeper understanding of these principles and apply them in their lives. This can lead to greater spiritual growth, knowledge, and wisdom, which can help individuals to overcome challenges, make better decisions, and live a more fulfilling life.

Dharma refers to the righteous path of living, and it includes principles such as truth, honesty, compassion, and non-violence. By following the principles of dharma, individuals can lead a life of integrity and morality, and build strong relationships with others. Dharma also teaches individuals to respect and honor nature and all living beings, which can help promote peace and harmony in society.

Jyotish provides insight into the potential challenges and opportunities in a person’s life, and can help individuals make better decisions and plan for the future.

Spirituality refers to the inner quest for knowledge and self-realization. It provides individuals with a sense of purpose and meaning, and helps them to connect with something greater than themselves.

The Vedas provide insights into the nature of reality, the purpose of life, and the principles of dharma. The Vedas also contain hymns and prayers that can be used for meditation and spiritual practice.

Why do we Worship guru Devata?

Worshiping Guru Devata Help’s to understand the shades of virtue and vive, the discrimination of character from the policy and practice of life and makes us mature human beings. The worship of Gurur Devata is believed to be beneficial for those who seek spiritual growth, knowledge, and wisdom.

By incorporating these teachings into day-to-day life, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world, and develop a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

These teachings can also help individuals to build stronger relationships with others, promote harmony and peace in society, and contribute to the greater good of humanity.

WHO IS YOUR guru DEVATA ? How to find your guru devata?

Bhratikaraka planet is the 3rd highest degree planet in Rashi chart(D-1). Locate the placement Bhratikaraka planet in Navamsa(D-9), the planet conjoining Bhatrikaraka planet is Guru Devta. If no planet is placed there then consider Rahi aspect else the lord of sign of Bhratikaraka in D9.

Gods/Goddesses associated with planets :

Sun : God Shiva / शिव, Sri Rama / राम , Narayana / नारायण

Moon : Goddess Gauri /गौरी , Goddess Lalita / ललिता , God Shiva / शिव

Mars : God Hanuman / हनुमान , Rudra Deva / रुद्र , God Kartikeya (Subrahmanya) / कार्तिकेय , God Narasimha / नरसिंह

Mercury: God Ganesha / गणेश  ,God Vishnu / विष्णु , Goddess Saraswati / सरस्वती

Jupiter : God Hayagreeva /हयग्रीव , God Vishnu / विष्णु, God Dattatrey /दत्तात्रेय

Venus : Goddess Lakshmi / लक्ष्मी, Goddess Parvati / पार्वती , God Indra /  इन्द्र 

Saturn : God Hanuman / हनुमान , God Vishnu / विष्णु, God Brahma / ब्रह्मा ,Goddess Kali / काली

Rahu : Goddess Durga / दुर्गा , God Narasimha / नरसिंह

Ketu : God Ganesha / गणेश

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In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose track of the bigger picture and feel lost in the chaos. Astrology offers a unique perspective to help us navigate through life’s ups and downs. At Planets4U, we provide astrology consultation services to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life’s purpose.

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