Job / Career : One can easily know when to get a job / promotion through astrology . Career aspirations are reflected in birth chart . Livelihood is dependent on Career . Birth Chart gives an insight into talents, potential, communication abilities, desires and challenges. Job is considered from the Artha Trikona (the 2nd, the 6th and 10 th houses) of Birth Ascendant and the Moon Sign. There are lots of combinations, traits, and horoscope patterns that can predict about jobs and promotion.
आपके करियर में मदद करने के लिए ज्योतिष एक प्रभावी उपकरण है। ज्योतिष के माध्यम से कोई आसानी से जान सकता है कि कब नौकरी/पदोन्नति मिले। कैरियर की आकांक्षाएं जन्म कुंडली में परिलक्षित होती हैं। आजीविका करियर पर निर्भर है। जन्म कुंडली प्रतिभा, क्षमता, संचार क्षमताओं, इच्छाओं और चुनौतियों के बारे में जानकारी देती है। नौकरी जन्म लग्न और चंद्र राशि से अर्थ त्रिकोण (द्वितीय, छठे और दसवें भाव) से देखी जाती है । बहुत सारे संयोजन, लक्षण और कुंडली पैटर्न हैं जो नौकरियों और पदोन्नति के बारे में भविष्यवाणी कर सकते हैं।

2ND , 6TH , 10TH के बीच त्रिमूर्ति (120 डिग्री) संबंध |
Houses : Artha Trikona(Triangle of Wealth) – 2nd , 6 th , 10th House ; Income earned , Job – Day to day work, Career – Authority ;
Another important house is 11th house of gains, promotion, increments.
अर्थ त्रिकोण(धन का त्रिकोण) – 2nd, 6th , 10th ; आय, नौकरी, करियर – प्राधिकरण
लाभ, पदोन्नति, वेतन वृद्धि का महत्वपूर्ण 11वां भाव।
Significator for Career :Planets /Houses : 2nd , 6th and 10th House

2nd – Jupiter (Luck and Wealth) ; बृहस्पति (भाग्य और धन)
6th – Saturn(Discipline , Work , Obstacles) ; शनि (अनुशासन, कार्य, बाधा)
10th – Sun(Power , Authority , Fame) ; सूर्य (शक्ति, अधिकार, प्रसिद्धि)
Mercury (Skill) ; बुध (कौशल)
Jupiter(Fortune, Public Service) ; बृहस्पति (भाग्य, लोक सेवा)
Saturn(Commitment, Duty, Hard Work) ; शनि (प्रतिबद्धता, कर्तव्य, कड़ी मेहनत)
11th – Jupiter(Opportunity) ; बृहस्पति (अवसर)
1. The planets placed in 6th and 10th will indicate towards the kind of Job.
6th और 10th में स्थित ग्रह किस प्रकार की नौकरी का संकेत देता है
2.The work related to the house where ascendant lord resides will be the main interest of the individual through out life.
जिस भाव में लग्नेश निवास करता है, उससे संबंधित कार्य जीवन भर व्यक्ति का मुख्य हित रहेगा।
3.The houses occupied by the lords of 6th and 10th will show the talents and interest of native.
6th और 10th भाव के स्वामी जिन भावों में रहते हैं, वे जातक की प्रतिभा और रुचि को प्रदर्शित करेंगे।
When will native enter into employment or get promotion or change from one position to another a gainful , can be consider through the association of relevant houses in combination.
Planets who signify these houses by lordship or sign occupation along with all those who tenant their constellations should be taken into account.
जातक कब रोजगार में प्रवेश करेगा या पदोन्नति प्राप्त करेगा या एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर लाभप्रद होगा, इसके संघ के माध्यम से विचार किया जा सकता है । जो ग्रह इन भावों को आधिपत्य से संकेत करते हैं उन्हें ध्यान में रखा जाना चाहिए।

DASHA in the life of native signifies STATUS ; BHUKTI signifies PROFIT / LOSS ; ANTRA will only give result if that result is signified by the BHUKTI.
जातक के जीवन में दशा स्थिति का प्रतीक है; भुक्ति लाभ / हानि का प्रतीक है; अंतरा केवल तभी परिणाम देगा जब वह परिणाम भुक्ति द्वारा इंगित किया गया हो |
Change in dasha from bad to good or good to bad may bring drastic change in professional life. Bad bhukti and bad antra will give losses but if dasha is good status will remain intact.
In the Dasha /Bhukti /Antra of Sun or Moon if favourable in chart native gets Government Job . Where as Dasha / Bhukti / Antra of other planets give Private sector Job. Rahu / Ketu dasha gives job in Small Esatblishments.
Important Points :
- If the 10th house lord associated with lord of Ascendant or placed in Kendra or Trikon native get job according to own interest.
- PRIVARTAN YOGA between 10th lord and Ascendant / 5th lord / 9th lord considered favourable for getting job.
- Association of 10th lord and 10th house with 9th lord or 9th house.
- Sun or Moon if Lord of 6th or 10th then indication is of getting Govt Job.
- When 6th house connects with 2nd, 10th ,11th house ,it is preferable for Native to go for Job.
- Influence of Saturn on Ascendant / 6th/ 10th confirms livelihood through Job/Service.
लग्न/ 6/10वीं पर शनि का प्रभाव नौकरी के माध्यम से आजीविका की पुष्टि करता है | - Transit can be analyzed in the following ways:
1.When any of the 3 planets signifying these houses during transit cojoins in same house or
2. Mutually aspect each other or
3. Transit these houses or
4. Aspect these house or
5.Transit over their natal position.
When will native gets promotion or transfer, can be consider through the association of relevant houses, planets ,main period, subperiod ,transit in combination.
जातक को पदोन्नति या स्थानांतरण कब प्राप्त होगा, प्रासंगिक भावो, ग्रह, दशा, भुक्ति के माध्यम से विचार किया जा सकता है।
- Is mainly judged from the 11th house from Ascendant and from 10th house of career.
Lord of 11th house is primary determinant. Lords of Dharma Trikona (1st , 5th and 9th) are secondary determinants. - Native gets promotion / increment is promised during the joint period of the significator of houses 2nd , 6th ,9th, 10th ,11th along with favourable transit of planets Saturn and Jupiter .
- Promotion takes place during dasha/bhukti of 10th lord / 9th Lord /6th lord or planet occupying 10th / 9th / 6th or aspecting 10th / 9th / 6th.
- Promotion may also take place during dasha / bhukti of malefic placed in 3rd or 11th aspected by benefic.
- Positive Mercury in the chart give good promotion during its Dasha/ Bhukti / Antra .
- Dasha / Bhukti of yogakarka planet(Lord of kendra and trikona simultanously ie : Mars for Leo ascendant, Saturn for Libra ascendant) may result in promotion.
- Role of Amatya Karaka (Amk – planet with 2nd hishest degree in Rashi chart) which signifies position in career is very important. Planets associated with Amk should also be considered.
- ********More emphasis should be given on Bhukti along with Transit.

Eg : Promoted in Dasha of the Moon and Bhukti of Saturn. The Moon is situated in the 7th house as lord of the 6th house and Saturn is situated in the 10th house as lord of the ascendant. Jupiter was transiting Cancer (32 points) and Saturn, Capricorn (27 points). [Points in Sarvashtak Varga ]
Next promotion was in Dasha of Mars and Bhukti of Jupiter . Mars is the lord of the 10th and Jupiter is lord of 11th.
Jupiter was transiting Capricorn (27 points) and Saturn, Pisces (24 points) in Sarvashtaka Varga.
- मुख्य रूप से लग्न से 11वें घर और करियर के 10वें घर से आंका जाता है।
- 11वें भाव का स्वामी प्राथमिक निर्धारक है। धर्म त्रिकोण के स्वामी (प्रथम, 5वें और 9वें) द्वितीयक निर्धारक हैं।
- दूसरे, छठे, नौवें, दसवें, ग्यारहवें भाव के कारक ग्रह की संयुक्त अवधि के दौरान शनि और बृहस्पति के अनुकूल गोचर के दौरान जातक को पदोन्नति / वृद्धि का प्राप्त होती है।
- 10वें स्वामी/नौवें स्वामी/6वें स्वामी या 10वें/9वें/6वें स्थान पर स्थित ग्रह या 10वें/9वें/6वें भाव में स्थित ग्रह की दशा/भुक्ति के दौरान पदोन्नति होती है।
- कुंडली में अनुकूल बुध अपनी दशा/भुक्ति/अंतर के दौरान अच्छी पदोन्नति देता है।
Transit Effects (Timing): Jupiter, Saturn,Ketu transit are the most important for Promotion / Increments /Transfer /Change of Job. Transit should be seen from Ascendant as well as from Moon sign.
Few Important Transits for Promotion:
- Time for getting a Job or promotion can be known from Dash/Butki/Antra along with Transit of planets associated with 2nd, 6th,10th and 11th house.
- If Jupiter transits over the natal position of the tenth lord counted from either the ascendant or the Moon, or Jupiter, the native is honoured by the Govt .
- Jupiter and Saturn transit in a house having more than 25 benefic dots in the Sarvastaka Varga indicates good results.
- Transiting Saturn touches natal Sun may give promotion to native along with appriciation from superiors.
- Transiting Saturn touches Natal Sun indicates boost in career with appriciation from superiors.
- Transiting Saturn touches natal Jupiter gets position and appreciation.
- Transiting Saturn touches natal Venus gets new job , increments, good bonus , conveyance, travel with family on company’s expense.
- Transiting Jupiter or Saturn touching natal Sun in 10th gives promotion.
- Dasha/Bhukti of 9th Lord or planet associated with 9th may also give promotion.
- Dasha/Bhukti of malefic if favourable placed in 3rd or 11th aspected by benefic gives promotion.
- Mercury connected with 6th,9th or 10th gives promotion during its dasha/Bhukti.
- Jupiter transit over natat Sun gives promoyion and position to native.
- Tour will include 9th along with 3rd,10th and 12th house.
गोचर मे शनि कुंडली में सूर्य को स्पर्श करता है तो जातक को वरिष्ठों से प्रशंसा के साथ-साथ पदोन्नति दे सकता है। गुरु या शनि का गोचर जन्म के सूर्य को दसवें भाव में स्पर्श करना पदोन्नति देता है। गोचर मे शनि कुंडली में गुरु को स्पर्श करता है, उसे उपाधि और प्रशंसा मिलती है। गोचर मे शनि कुंडली में शुक्र को स्पर्श करता है, नई नौकरी, वेतन वृद्धि, अच्छा बोनस, वाहन, कंपनी के खर्च पर परिवार के साथ यात्रा करता है।
Timing of Change in Job / Transfer ; तबादला या स्थानांतरण का समय
Houses/Planets :
3rd house / lord – Short journey.
4th house / lord- Change of residence ,Affliction may cause separation from family.
6th house / lord – Current job.
8th house / lord – Obstacles, Break, Being fired.
9th house / lord – Long journey, Change of Job(12th from 10th)
10th house/lord – Career
12th house / lord – Release , One place to another.
Sun –Position and Authority.
Saturn – Obstacles and Consistency.
Mars – Sudden events.
Ketu – Staring New ,Finishing Old.
eg : Transfer took place during Dasha of Mercury and Bhukti of Moon. Both are fast moving Planets. Mercury Lord of 2nd and 11th placed in 4th , Moon Lord of 12th placed in 8th.

- Transfer usually take place during the Dasha/Bhukti of fast moving planets Moon and Mercury .
- Transfer takes place during Dasha / Bhukti of 3rd,9th , 10th,12th house. If financial gain is associated with transfer then 2nd and 11th lord should be associated.
- Yogakarka planet connected to 3rd/4th/10th/12th may give transfer during its period with rise.
- Joint period of significators or Lord 3rd, 10th and 12th indicates transferred.
- Transit of Mars / Sun over 4th / 10th / 11the promotes transfer.
1. स्थानांतरण आमतौर पर तेज गति वाले ग्रहों चंद्रमा और बुध की दशा/भक्ति के दौरान होता है। 2. स्थानान्तरण तीसरे, नौवें, दसवें, बारहवें भाव की दशा/भुक्ति के दौरान होता है। यदि आर्थिक लाभ स्थानान्तरण से जुड़ा है तो 2 और 11 वें स्वामी को जोड़ना चाहिए। 3. 4/10/11 में मंगल/सूर्य का गोचर स्थानांतरण को बढ़ावा देता है।
Few Important Transits for Transfer:

- During Transit Ketu touching Natal Moon or Saturn touching Natal Moon signifies change of Job or place of working / Travel related to profession / change in working pattern.
- Transfer to distant place is indicated by the seperative planets like Saturn or Ketu .
- Transfer is signified from the association of planets with Lord of 3rd , 9th , 10th, 12th houses in transit. 3rd – Change of place , Journey, 9th – Loss of job , Long journey ; 10th – Employment ; 12th different environment, one place to another.
- Transfer take place when Dasha/Bhukti lords transit moveable sign(Chara) Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn provided they are connected to 3rd/4th /8th /9th/ 10th / 12th.
- Double transit of Saturn and Jupiter which is influencing 3rd or 6th or 12th house from ascendant or Moon also suggests transfer in job.
- When Lord of 10th house transits over 6th house, person will get transferred because of some blame at work.
- Sun is afflicted with Saturn then immediate transfer along with loss of respect or reputation.
- Transfer brings happiness when ascendant is under the influence of significators of 3rd, 10th and 12th.
- Transfer comes with authority or leadership in your job if 6th house is influenced by significators of 3rd, 10th and 12th.
- Transfer along with change in residence takes place if 4th House or its Lord is influenced by significators of 3rd, 10th and 12th.
- Transfer without change in your house takes place if 10th House or its Lord is influenced by significators of 3rd, 10th and 12th.
Obstacles in Promotion :
- If Kalsarpa Yoga or Kemadrum Yoga is associated with 1st, 6th , 9th or 10th house then native may face obstacles in promotion.
- Sun and Saturn mutual aspect ,conjunction or exchange of houses creates problems in promotion during their dasha/bhukti.
- Presence of 10th Lord in 12th house indicates frequent changes in job or even unemployment.
- Placement of 10th lord in 8th or 12th or placement of 8th or 12th lord in 10th can delay / deny promotion.
- Transiting Saturn touches natal Mars indicated obstacles in professional life due to difference of opinion from colleagues.
- Transiting Saturn touches natal Mercury may indicated unneccessary arugments with colleagues due to which he may become a news in the office. May also have load of pending jobs, issues with Tax evasion may arise.
- Jupiter transit over natal Saturn is not good for professional life. Problems through colleagues may arise.
- Transiting Jupiter touches Ketu indicates loss in professional life.
Remedies for getting Job/ Promotion :
Perform these remedies with unwavering faith and devotion for tangible results. Propitiating Saturn removes obstacles to promotion. Hard work is the primary way to please Saturn.
1. Offer water in copper vessel mixed with jaggery and yellow flowers in morning before 8 a.m. to Sun. Straighten your hands and take the vessel towards Sun and start pouring the water slowly. Look at the rays of Sun through the stream of water from the vessel. Start reciting the arghya mantra when start pouring the water,
ॐ ऐहि सूर्य सहस्त्रांशों तेजोराशे जगत्पते। अनुकंपये माम भक्त्या गृहणार्घ्यं दिवाकर:।। ‘ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं सूर्याय, सहस्त्रकिरणाय। मनोवांछित फलं देहि देहि स्वाहा: ।।
Chant 12 names of Sun along with it .
1ॐ मित्राय नमः। Om Mitraya Namah।
2ॐ रवये नमः।Om Ravaye Namah।
3ॐ सूर्याय नमः।Om Suryaya Namah।
4ॐ भानवे नमः।Om Bhanave Namah।
5ॐ खगाय नमः।Om Khagaya Namah।
6ॐ पूष्णे नमः।Om Pushne Namah।
7ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः।Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah |
8ॐ मरीचये नमः।Om Marichaye Namah।
9ॐ आदित्याय नमः।Om Adityaya Namah।
10ॐ सवित्रे नमः।Om Savitre Namah।
11ॐ अर्काय नमः।Om Arkaya Namah।
12ॐ भास्कराय नमः।Om Bhaskaraya Namah।
Chant Surya Gayatri Mantra (108 times). Do this for 11 continuous days starting from Sunday of Shukla Paksha.
2. Worship Shani Dev for getting government job. Light a lamp with mustard oil and recite Lord Shani mantra
“Om Pram Preem Praum Sah Shanishcharay Namah” 108 times . Do this for at least 11 Saturdays with full devotion.
“ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रों स: शनैश्चराय नमः“
3. Take Tilak from Hanuman Ji right leg thumb and have it on your forehead and pray to Lord Hanuman Ji for bestowing success on you.
4. To get favor of destiny, purchase a steel lock on Friday but do not open this lock and do not also let the shopkeeper open the lock. The lock has to be purchased without opening by anyone including you. Now keep this lock at a place where you sleep on Friday night. Offer this lock in any religious place on Saturday morning without opening it. Whenever any person will open this lock he or she will be opening the lock of your Luck. Do it with full faith.
Promotion :
1. Chant Ganesh ji Mantra : “Sri Gajavakram Namo Namah” ; “श्री गजवकत्रम नमो नम: ||” , 108 times in one sitting for continuously 21 days starting on Tuesday or Chaturthi Tithi (fourth day of a lunar fortnight as per Hindu calendar when the moon is present).
The prayer should be performed during sunrise facing the sun.
Keep a murti of Ganesha in the east and offer diya, dhoop, durva grass, flowers, kumkum and modak or fruit.
Share the modak with family members.
2. Chant Gayatri Mantra 31 times daily : “ऊं भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि। धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात्।। ”
“Om bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ tatsaviturvareṇyaṃ bhargo devasyadhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt”
3.Apply Kesar Tilak
4. Feed Cows
Specific remedies
- Saturn:
- Serve food to crows.
- Thursday:
- Offer a banana to a cow to enhance promotion prospects.
- For Career Growth:
- Offer a mixture of seven cereals (Sapta Dhanya) to birds.
- Sapta Dhanya consists of:
- Black gram (Urad dal)
- Green gram (Moong dal)
- Wheat
- Black chickpeas (Kaale Chane)
- Barley
- Rice
- Pearl millet (Bajra)
- Sapta Dhanya consists of:
- Offer a mixture of seven cereals (Sapta Dhanya) to birds.
- Sun:
- Offer a mixture of clear water, jaggery, and yellow flowers to the Sun before 8:00 AM.
- Chant the Gayatri Mantra 108 times.
- Continue this remedy for 11 consecutive days, starting on a Sunday.
- Maintain this practice even after 11 days for favorable postings and promotions.
- Monday:
- Offer 21 energized Gomti Chakras to Lord Shiva.
- Offer pure water to Lord Shiva.
- Clerical or Lower-Cadre Jobs:
- Provide food to a differently-abled person or donate money for their meals once every two months.
- Unlocking Fortune:
- Purchase a steel lock on a Friday without opening it (neither you nor the shopkeeper).
- Keep the lock where you sleep on Friday night.
- On Saturday morning, offer the unopened lock at a religious place.
- Transfers (Government/Public Sector):
- Offer water to the rising Sun for 43 consecutive days, adding 21 red chili seeds to the water.
- Obtain an energized Narmadeshwar Shiv Linga.
- Perform daily abhishek (ritual bathing) of the Shiv Linga with water or a mixture of water and milk.
- Recite the Shiva Panchakshara Stotram (“Om Namah Shivaya”) at least one mala (108 times) daily.
- Removing Obstacles:
- Light a mustard oil lamp (Deepak or Diya) in the morning.
- Add two cloves to the lamp.
- Pray to your chosen deity for the removal of obstacles.
- Leave your house after this prayer.
- Interview Success:
- Perform abhishek of an energized Narmadeshwar Shiv Linga in the morning.
- Light five wicks (baati) in a lamp in front of a picture of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
- Hanuman Ji’s Blessings:
- Receive Tilak (sacred mark) from the right big toe of a Hanuman Ji idol.
- Apply the Tilak on your forehead.
- Pray to Lord Hanuman for success.
- Swara Yoga for Important Endeavors:
- Consume a mixture of sugar and curd before starting an important task.
- Align your steps with the dominant nostril (swara) as you leave your house:
- Left nostril dominance: Ida nadi is active.
- Right nostril dominance: Pingala nadi is active.
Remedies for Government Jobs:
- Propitiate Shani Dev:
- Light a mustard oil lamp and recite Shani mantra (“Om Pram Preem Praum Sah Shanishcharay Namah”) 108 times using an energized Rudraksha mala.
- Continue this practice for at least 11 Saturdays with complete devotion.
- Hanuman Chalisa:
- Recite the Hanuman Chalisa to receive blessings from Lord Hanuman, which indirectly invokes Shani Dev’s grace.
- Saturday Fasting:
- Observe fasts on Saturdays to sharpen focus and aid in goal achievement.
- 14 Mukhi Rudraksha:
- Wear an energized 14 Mukhi Rudraksha to harness the auspicious energy of Lord Shiva and Saturn. Ensure the Rudraksha is authentic and energized for optimal results.
- Telabhishek for Lord Saturn:
- Perform Telabhishek (bathing with mustard oil) for a Lord Saturn idol every Saturday.
- Light a mustard oil lamp in the temple.
- Place mustard oil near a Peepal tree in the evening
Vastu Tips :
1. Display your certificates in north direction to get a Job in your field and according to your qualifications.
2. Searching for job, place green plants in north direction and display certificates in west direction.
Promotion :
1. Place Green Scenery / picture of a Lake,or waterfall in North Zone of your room.
2. Sit facing North East at your work place.
3.Rectangular workstation is considered favourable for professional growth.
Stagnation in Career

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