The term ‘Kaal’ means time and ‘Sarpa’ means serpent
This dosha is not mentioned in any of the classics.
The shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu represent the mouth and the body of a serpent. Rahu represents future and Ketu past.
Ra : Light ; Ha : to take away = Rahu is the one who takes away / Ka : Desire ; Tu : Fulfilment = Ketu is the onewhose desires are complete.

When all the planets(Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn) are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu(in their retrograde motion) ,this yoga gets generated. If even a single planet is placed outside this axis of Rahu or Ketu , this dosha does not generate. Rahu as North Node and Ketu as South Node.
The significances of the two houses in which Rahu and Ketu are placed takes prime importance in native’s life.
eg : Rahu in in 8th in Capricorn and Ketu in 2nd in Cancer, all planets hemmed between them.

eg : Ananta Kalasarpa Dosha – 26Feb 2022 – 8th March 2022.
Moon will be the only planet which will keep getting in and out of the axis during to its 2.5 days transit period. So whenever the Moon transit will be inside this axis, till that time people born will have this dosha . Many have an opinion that the presence of Moon outside axis does not make any difference in the formation of Kaal Sarpa.
This shows that only the presence of all the planets inside the axis of Rahu and Ketu is not the only condition to form Kaal Sarpa dosha. Another condition will be the strength of Rahu and Ketu in the chart – i.e. if the nodes are malefic only then there will be formation of Kaal Sarpa. How could a benefic forms a dosha in a chart . The effect of this dosha is that the planets energy is limited in the axis and cannot expand limiting the scope of native. If one of the is positive then this dosha will not take place. Then comes the most important condition that Rahu and Ketu should be fully active because there is possibility that the nodes may not become fully active even till the time of your death.
Maturity age :Rahu at 42 and Ketu at 48.
At time we will see that in two charts of different native ,Kaal Sarpa yoga but one is suffering from problems associated with the dosha and other is not. Here comes the condition of activation of Rahu and Ketu. Hence the strength of this doshais very important factor.
The presence of malefic and benefic planets in the chart also effects the result of this combination. Like if native is manglik and under the influence of Kaal Sarpa, he/she may not even get married of after marriage gets seperated where as benefic Mars may give late marriage but will be a smooth one even if under the influence of Kaal Sarpa.
If the nodes are strong and other indications in the chart are also favourable like other Rajayogas are present ,Native may rise high in life. But the disadvantage attached with this combination is that the freewill is at its minimum in respect to general direction in life. Native have to function between the boundary drawn by these two planets like serpent encircling the life force. Native get betrayed by trusted friends and even relatives. Suffering due to developments in life strengthens the mind, makes one hard working and aware of self abilities despite mental restlessness,hence in a way blessing of this combination.
eg : If the axis involved 1st and 7th house , then married life is not smooth, there will be frequent clashes but if 7th lord and venus is well placed and unafflicted, unfavourable result will dimnish.
If 4th and 10th are involved may cause set backs in career and domestic happiness till the time the Karaka and lords of these two house are strong.
It is said, if the planets are closer to Rahu it is kaal sarpa yoga and if the planets huddle near Ketu, then you may have a dosha. Both Rahu and Ketu are karmic planets and affect you only if your past deeds have been evil. Gets stability in life around 34-35 years of age.
Different view are there in regard of mitigation of evil effect of this Dosha:
1. Jupiter in ascendant or in own house.
2.Jupiter aspecting ascendant or ascendant lord.
The most common unfavourable effects can be:
- Unneccessary tension.
- May dream of snakes, dead people,blood regularly.
- Loss of property or wealth
- Loss of job or business bankruptcy
- Ill health and reduced lifespan
- Disturbed family life or divorce
- Imprisonment or legal issues.
- Pain in knees.
- Success is usually in more than one attempt.
- Will be lucky for others. like going with someone else for his/her work ,that work will be fruitful.
Broadly categorized into :
Savya Kalasarpa Dosha: The nine planets trapped between Rahu-Ketu are moving clockwise from Rahu towards Ketu
Apasavya Kalasarpa Dosha: In this case, the planets are moving in an anticlockwise direction from Ketu towards Rahu.
The 12 Different Types of Kalasarpa Dosha :
Ananth Kalasarpa : Rahu in 1st, Ketu in 7th.
Effects may chiefly include mental strife, disturbed marital life, and problems with government departments. It also enhances the courage and self-confidence of the native.
Kulika Kalasarpa :Rahu in Second House, Ketu in Eighth House.
This Kala sarpa dosha can cause health issues, financial issues, and problems in relationships with family and society.
Vasuki Kalasarpa :Rahu in Third House, Ketu in Ninth House. Health issues, troubled relationship with siblings, breaks / blockage in higher education and career, may also cause stress and hypertension.
Shankhapal Kalasarpa :Rahu in Fourth House, Ketu in Tenth Native has trouble enjoying life, obstacles in purchasing vehicle or property, negative impact on the mother.
Padma Kalasarpa :Rahu in Fifth House, Ketu in Eleventh House. May cause problems in intellectual thinking and romance. Can also affect the health of spouse and children.
Mahapadma Kalasarpa :Rahu in Sixth House, Ketu in Twelfth House. Job issues, litigation, debts ,problems with maternal relatives. May lead native on a spiritual path and bestow leadership qualities.
Takshak Kalasarpa :Rahu in Seventh House, Ketu in First House.
May lead to health issues, marital trouble, and problems with partners in a business.
Karkotaka Kalasarpa :Rahu in Eighth House, Ketu in Second House.
Native may have personal magnetism and power of speech but gravitates towards negative elements and bad company.Obstacles in inheritance, research work.
Ghatak Kalasarpa :Rahu in Tenth House, Ketu in Fourth House.
Strife within the family, dissatisfaction with their job. Still, the native may gain political power if there are beneficial effects from other planets.
Vishadhara Kalasarpa :Rahu in Eleventh House, Ketu in Fifth House.
Problems related to education, finance,speculation,profits, relationship with brothers, and children. However, the second half of life might be more peaceful.
Sheshnag Kalasarpa :Rahu in Twelfth House, Ketu in Sixth House.
May face many health issues, trouble from authorities, broken marital relationship, May gain fame after death.
Remedies :Mahamrityunjaya mantra :
“ऊँ त्र्यंबकम् यजामहे सुगंधीम् पुष्टी वर्धनम्।
उर्व्वावरूक मिवबंधनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षी यमामृतात्।।”
Tryambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanam ǀ
Urvārukam-iva bandhanātmṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt
To be chanted 108 times on every Monday on Rudraksha mala .
Observe Fast on Nag Panchmi – It falls in the Shravan or Sawan month (July – August) and is observed during the fifth day (Panchami Tithi) of the bright half of lunar month (Shukla Paksha)
Mantra :
सर्वे नागाः प्रीयन्तां मे ये केचित् पृथ्वीतले।
ये च हेलिमरीचिस्था येन्तरे दिवि संस्थिता:॥
ये नदीषु महानागा ये सरस्वतिगामिन:।
ये च वापीतडगेषु तेषु सर्वेषु वै नम:॥
अनन्तं वासुकिं शेषं पद्मनाभं च कम्बलम्।
शङ्ख पालं धृतराष्ट्रं तक्षकं कालियं तथा॥
एतानि नव नामानि नागानां च महात्मनाम्।
सायङ्काले पठेन्नित्यं प्रातःकाले विशेषतः।
तस्य विषभयं नास्ति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत्॥
anantaṃ vāsukiṃ śeṣaṃ padmanābhaṃ ca kaṃbalaṃ
śaṃkhapālaṃ dhārtarāṣṭraṃ takṣakaṃ kāliyaṃ tathā
ĕtani ṇava ṇavāmi ṇagananca ṃahatmana
Sayam Patenityam Prathahkāle Viśeśita
ṭasya Viśabhayam ṇāsti Sarvatra Vijayā Bhaveth
*****Anantha, Vasuki, Sesha, Padmanabha and Kambala, Shankapala, Dhritharashtra, Thakshaka and Kaliya are the names of nine great serpents.

Rudraksha :
Can wear a rosary of the five-faced beads (108,54 beads)or Ek Mukhi Rudraksha, Do Mukhi Rudraksha, Panch Mukhi Rudraksha ,8 Mukhi Rudraksha.
Rudraksha need to be purified and energized before they are worn. This is done by chanting of Rudrabhishek and Pran-pratishtha mantras and washing the beads and sandal paste.
Mantra for all mukhi is “Om Namah Shivaya”
Rudraksha can be taken off neck and worn again anytime while chanting mantra a minimum of 11 times.
Always Remove the beads/rosary while going for a funeral or when visiting a new born baby
“Om Namah Shivaya”