As far as making a Fortune is concerned, the Direction has its own importance hence right knowledge of direction is very important .

There are 8 directions assigned to planets and 4 direction to Houses .
Ascendant ,11 th , 12th – East ; 2nd , 3rd , 4Th House – North ; 5th , 6th 7th _ West ; 8th , 9th , 10th – South
The Sun – East
Mercury – North
Jupiter – North East
The Moon – North West
Saturn – West
Mars – South
Venus – South East
Rahu – South West

Depending upon nature of work we can find out our Lucky direction. It can either be Housewise or Planetwise.
Now suppose one wants to know which area ,city,state or country will be beneficial for the promotion of Business related activites.
There are two options available :
a) Lucky direction Housewise
b) Lucky direction Planetwise ( Planet in question need to be functional benefic in the Natal Chart)
As 7th house relates to the business, look for the Lord of 7th house placement. If Lord of 7th is placed in 10th then it means South direction will be fruitfull for business activities and most of the focus should be diverted towards this direction.
Other alternative, check the direction of the 7th lord, lets say it is the Sun, direction assigned to the Sun is East, so one should focus in east direction more if Sun is functional benefic and period of Sun is going on.
Another example we can take , regarding travelling for professional purpose. 3rd House represents short journeys, Check the placement of 3rd house lord and accordingly select the lucky direction . If long Journey required the go for 9th house lord placement or for planet signifying 9th lordship.