Marriage and Married life

Marriage and Married life,Harmony,Trust,Intimacy,Bonding

Marriage is an union between two people. The institution of marriage is the ultimate fruition of natural human intelligence and prudence.
Manu and Shatrupa are considered the first human married couple. Marriage is an important event in life that brings happiness and everyone wants to choose their ideal life partner through various sources.

Vedic astrology plays an important role in this process by matching the compatibility of both bride and groom to lead a blissful life. In fact, this marriage gives a clear picture of the life of marriage by astrology. Karma problems, doshas, wrong combination of planets and obstacles in horoscope can delay marriage and relationship issues. However, they can be resolved by performing some pujas and Vedic rituals to gain better prospects.

Marriage and Married life
Marriage and Married life
Marriage and Married life : Successful Marriage
Successful Marriage
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Marriage and Married life : Relationship
Marriage and Married life : Relationship

Nanamsa :
Natal chart provides overall information regarding the location of planets and senstive points such as Ascendant.
Navamsa provides vital information regarding their active quality and strength.
Internal interaction of marriage is cleary defined in Navamsa.

Predicting marriage age :
1. Bhukti/Sub-Period of Navamsa Ascendant Lord.
2. Lord of 7th of Navamsa can bring marriage in his periods.
3. 7th Lord of ascendant or from Moon in Natal chart can give marriage during thier periods.
4. Dispositor of 7th Lord during hid period.
5. Period of ascendant lord as the 7th from 7th is ascendant.
6. Period of 7th Lord from Venus.
7.Lord of the house where 7th lord is placed in Navamsa cant give marriage during his period.

Transit Effects :
1. Jupiter transit through a house from where he aspect the natal Venus or transit over the 7th house or 7th lord, Marriage can take place.
2.Jupiter transit Trikona from Natal or Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord.
3.Saturn transit over 7th house or 7th lord.
4.Transit of Saturn and Jupiter on Navamsa Ascendant.

Manglik/Kuja Dosha :
If Mars occupies Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th, Manglik/Kuja dosaha generated.
But there are following exceptions which cancels/do not form the DOSHA:
1. If Mars occupies own house(Aries/Scorpio) there is no dosha exist.
2. When Mars is exalted in Capricorn, no dosha exist.
3. If Mars occupies friendly house(Sun,Moon,Jupiter)
4. Mars in a Movable sign.
5. Mars is in Cancer,Leo or Aquarius.
7. If Cancer or Capricorn happens to be 7th house.
8. If Taurus and Libra happens to be 12th house.
9. If sagittarius or Pisces happens to be 8th house.
10. For Cancer and Leo ascendant, wherever Mars is posited as Mars is yogakarka .
11. For Aquarius , Mars in 4th or 8th does not produce dosha.
12. Mars conjucted with Moon or Jupiter,Sun,Mercury,Rahu,Saturn or aspected by them, there is no dosha.
13.If dispositor of Mars in kendra/Trikona,Dosha is cancelled.
14.If Jupiter or Venus occupy Lagna.

Why Mars is not considered Manglik in own Sign/Rashi or in Exaltation.

For Aries and Scorpio  ascendants(Mars is Lagna Lord), in sign of exaltation(Capricorn)  Mars becomes Functional benefic so will give auspicious results wherever he is placed. An Lagna lord does not give malefic results in an obvious way. So for these two ascendants, the ‘Manglik’ dosha  does not exist. There will be aggression but as the lagna lord,  will also give some ability to utilize these energies in the best possible manner.

If Mars is in his own sign (Aries, Scorpio) or his sign of exaltation (Capricorn) and placed in Kendra(1,4,7,10) from ascendant RUCHAK YOGA is formed. Depending upon the relevant factors in Chart, grant happiness and fortune. The aggression of Mars will be utilised productively.

Why some consider Mars in 2nd House forms MANGLIK DOSHA:

Signification of 2nd house in respect to Marriage : Family, Wealth, Speech, Planning of Budget.

Marriage and family are connected to each other. Successful marriage lies in the root of a good family. Mars is a natural malefic placed in 2nd house can give issues related to all these significances. Like problem related to money, harsh speech, unnecessary arguments and disputes in the family due to its aggressive and impulsive nature. A malefic Mars affects the relations of a native with family members. There may be a constant difference and anxiety between the couple. Can also cast negative instinct in children .As Mars from the 2nd house aspects the 5th, 8th and 9th house, may cast negative impact on the significance of these houses pertaining to marriage.

5th House of Love and Children.
8th House of sexual relationship and longevity of husband.
9th House of Fortune, ethics and wisdom.

Love, Commitment, and Friendship: The Foundations of a Successful Marriage

When these four houses(5th,7th, 11th,12th ) are not in harmony, one may face:

Romance without commitment, a whirlwind of passion without staying power.

Commitment without romance, a marriage of duty not joy.

Friendships without bond, a lonely union despite social circles wide.

Karmic bonds without connection, past lives collide in present discord.

These imbalances may lead to turmoil, loneliness, and disconnection within the marriage, challenging the foundations of a harmonious union.

Key Astrological Combinations for Inter-Caste Marriage:

  1. Influence of Rahu on the 7th House or Venus:
    • If Rahu is placed in or aspects the 7th house or Venus, it can indicate a marriage that defies traditional norms, including inter-caste marriages. Rahu represents the unconventional, and its influence brings unusual or non-traditional relationships.
  2. Rahu in the 12th House:
    • Rahu in the 12th house of the horoscope may indicate a spouse from a different caste, culture, or even a foreign background. The 12th house is associated with foreign lands and distances, which can translate into a marriage outside the native’s community.
  3. Venus in a Dual Sign:
    • Venus placed in a dual sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces) can indicate flexibility in relationships and sometimes suggests a marriage with someone from a different caste or background.
  4. Affliction to the 7th Lord:
    • If the 7th lord is afflicted by malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn, it may indicate marriage outside the traditional norms, possibly leading to an inter-caste marriage.
  5. Influence of Saturn and Rahu on the 7th House or Venus:
    • Saturn and Rahu together influencing the 7th house or Venus can indicate a strong possibility of inter-caste or non-traditional marriage, as both planets are known for creating situations that challenge societal norms.
  6. Moon and Venus in Mutual Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) with Rahu/Ketu:
    • When Moon and Venus are in mutual Kendra positions with the involvement of Rahu or Ketu, the native may be inclined towards a marriage that is unconventional or outside the caste.
  7. Navamsa Chart (D9):
    • If the 7th lord of the Navamsa chart is associated with Rahu or Ketu, or if there is an exchange between the 7th lord of the Rasi chart and the 7th lord of the Navamsa chart involving Rahu/Ketu, it can signify inter-caste marriage.
  8. Mars in the 7th House or Aspecting the 7th Lord:
    • Mars, when placed in the 7th house or aspecting the 7th lord, may create situations where the native marries someone from a different caste, especially if Mars is associated with Rahu.
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