Remedial measures are important form of healing and strengthening planets whenever planet is weak or afflicted.
Affliction can effect native’s mental, emotional, physical, financial and spiritual level of existence.
Planetary affliction that may be due to our past karmas can be manage through remedial measures.
Remedial measures can be through wearing assigned Gem stones, Yantras, Mantras, Herbs, Colours , Fragrance, Our actions, Charity.
Benefic planets in the chart should be strengthen and Malefic should be propitiated.
Propitiated means alleviation from malefic nature and strengthening means giving power.Planets themselves are deities, but there are more powerful deities who rule these planets in Vedic astrology and Epics.
Mercury governs our intelligence, coordination skills, speech , cleverness , sharp thinking, wit, humour, good communication , business skills, crave for knowledge.
When afflicted will bring harm to these areas. Weak mercury generates inability to express, stuttering/stammering, forgetfulness, Inability to grow financially, obstacles in business, poor intelligence and communicating ability, skin ailments, nerves related problems.Mercury is the planet of trade, commerce and accounting. His weakness can therefore result in shortage of finances.
To propitiate the weak Mercury one can recite its Mantra :
“Om Budhaya Namah” 108 times in single sitting every Wednesday.
Mercury Gayatri Mantra :
Om gaja-dwajaya vidhmahe
Shuka hastaya dheemahi
Tanno Budha prachodayaat
गजध्वजाय विद्महे शुकहस्ताय धीमहि तन्नो बुधः प्रचोदयात् ।।
God Vishnu and Goddess Saraswati rules Mercury.
Vishnu Gayatri Mantra :
ॐ नारायण विद्महे वासुदेवाय धीमहि। तन्नो विष्णु: प्रचोदयात् ||
Om Narayanaya Vidmahe, Vasudevaya Dheemahi, Tanno Vishnu Prachodayat.
Saraswati Gayatri Mantra :
Om Saraswatyae Vidmahe, Brahmaputriyae Dheemahi, Tanno Devi Prachodayat.
ॐ सरस्वत्यै विद्महे ब्रह्मपुत्र्यै धीमहि। तन्नो देवी प्रचोदयात् ।।
Stammering, inability to speak clearly, attention deficit disorder and carelessness are completely removed by ten daily chantings of Kartikeya Stotra
योगीश्वरो महासेनः कार्तिकेयोऽग्निनन्दनः।
स्कंदः कुमारः सेनानी स्वामी शंकरसंभवः॥१॥
ẏogīśvaro ṃahā-Senah k͟hārtikeyo[a-āa]gni-ṇandanah |
Skandah k͟humārah Senānīh Svāmī ṣankara-Sambhavah ||1||
गांगेयस्ताम्रचूडश्च ब्रह्मचारी शिखिध्वजः।
तारकारिरुमापुत्रः क्रोधारिश्च षडाननः॥२॥
ġāngeyas-ṭāmra-Cūddaśca Brahmacārī ṣikhi-ḍhvajah |
ṭāraka-ārir-ūmā-Putrah k͟hrauncā-ṟiśca Ssaddānanah ||2||
शब्दब्रह्मसमुद्रश्च सिद्धः सारस्वतो गुहः।
सनत्कुमारो भगवान् भोगमोक्षफलप्रदः॥३॥
ṣabdabrahmasamudraśca Siddhah Sārasvato ġuhah |
Sanatkumāro Bhagavān Bhogamokssaphalapradah ||3||
शरजन्मा गणाधीशः पूर्वजो मुक्तिमार्गकृत्।
सर्वागमप्रणेता च वांछितार्थप्रदर्शनः ॥४॥
ṣarajanmā ġannādhīśa Pūrvajo ṃuktimārgakrt |
Sarvāgamaprannetā Ca Vānccitārthapradarśanah ||4||
अष्टाविंशतिनामानि मदीयानीति यः पठेत्।
प्रत्यूषं श्रद्धया युक्तो मूको वाचस्पतिर्भवेत् ॥५॥
āssttāvimśatināmāni ṃadīyānīti ẏah Patthet |
Pratyūssam ṣraddhayā ẏukto ṃūko Vācaspatirbhavet ||5||
महामंत्रमयानीति मम नामानुकीर्तनात्।
महाप्रज्ञामवाप्नोति नात्र कार्या विचारणा ॥६॥
ṃahāmantramayānīti ṃama ṇāmānukīrtanam |
ṃahāprajnyāmavāpnoti ṇātra k͟hāryā Vicārannā ||6||
If mercury is temporal beneficial in the chart, native can wear its Gem EMERALD. Gems for Mercury are relatively safe, harmonious and balanced. Gem stone should be atleast one and half carat in wt., set in gold, worn on the middle or little finger of the right hand. Ring has to put on Wednesday during waxing Moon day.
Should be careful wearing gems for Mercury with those of malefics like Saturn, Mars or the Sun, as they may amplify their malefic influences.
Herbs can be used are Basil, Gotu, Mint, Sage, Camomile.
One can wear Green colour.
Watering the planets daily also strengthen the Mercury.
Do not dispect the Eunuchs, give some donation to them on Wednesday.
Give fodder to Cow on Wednesday.
Concentrate on reading , writing, thinking, communication skills.
Mercury Yantra: Should be put on Wednesday on waxing Moon day: