Foetus Development and Houses in Astrology

Foetus Development


House Significance
    1Heart begins to beat. Arms and Legs buds are formed. Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth begins to take form.
As baby’s heart begins to beat in 1st month,4th H signifies HEART
     2Brain waves are detected, Early evidence of Liver, Pancreas, Lungs, Stomach can be seen. Sex organ begins to become visible.
As brain waves are detected in 2nd month,5th H is the house of INTELLIGENCE. 5th H also indicates Liver, Pancreas & Stomach. It is analysed to identify gender of Child.
     3Pancreas starts secreting insulin. Movement Begins and the baby rocks as per mother’s motion.
As the generation of insulin starts from 3rd month, DIABETES is analysed from 6th H
     4Limbs and Organs become more distinct. Foetus has neck, joints in arms and legs. Hard Bones begin to develop. Baby flexes, kicks. Skin begin to form and facial expressions becomes clear. Gender is identifiable.
As 4th month development makes the gender identifiable,7th house is related to SPOUSE and house opposite to 7th relates to SELF -general physique.
     5Eye lashes, Eye brows, active kicking and turning, hearing begins.    8thIn 5th month facial expressions becomes clear, Sex organ is visible, so 8th house is house of REPRODUCTIVE organs and opposite to 8th is 2nd which is house of face.
      6Cognition enters foetus, sweat glands forms, regular sleeping and waking cycle, foot  prints , finger prints, immune system.
As cognition enters in foetus, 9th house is considered as house of GURU(Teacher),house of luck, also has some connection with strength and immune system.
     7Limbs are developed, suck thumbs, respond with facial expression. Eyes can be open and closed, Hiccups.
House of KARMA
     8Head is proportionate to rest of the body, Atleast 10 movements every 2 hrs, Pupils can constrict, dilate and detect light. 
Connection with EXTERNAL WORLD as baby can detect light.
     9Head shifts down, organ functions, Placenta provides antibodies.
House of wisdom where control on body and mind is required.

Sterility is being and absolute state of inability to conceive.Infertility is a temporary failure towards conception which is curable in due course.

In the horoscope of MALE, the consideration of potentiality of progeny should be considered by SUN and semen by VENUS.
If both are weak and obtain even sign, then the obstruction in child birth will be due to Male.
If both are strong and obtain odd sign, then the obstruction in child birth will be due to Female.

In the horoscope of FEMALE, the consideration of conception should be considered by MOON and ovum and vitality by MARS.
If both are strong and obtain even sign, then the female is capable of conceiving a child.
If both are weak and obtain odd sign, then the obstruction in child birth will be due to Female.

For fertility in Male ,SUN and VENUS should not occupy even Navamsa and in Female , MOON and MARS should not be in odd Nanamsa

Whether a person will have children or not should not be judged from individual chart. Charts of propective parents should be considered.
If both the charts shows fruitful placements, many children will be born but if moderately fertile or if one is very fruitful and other is barren then the prediction be made accordingly.

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