Retrograde Planets

Retrograde Planets, A Duality of Energy

Retrograde Planets
Retrograde Planets

Retrograde planets are believed to bring challenges and delays in the areas they govern. They are often associated with introspection,
revisiting old issues, and reevaluating our plans. However, they can also be seen as opportunities for reflection, growth, and transformation.

All planets(Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn) except luminaries Sun and Moon have a period of retrogression.

  • Inner Exploration: Retrogrades encourage self-reflection and provide insights into karmic influences.
  • Unique Expression: Embrace uniqueness and express your authentic self confidently.
  • Delayed but Profound Growth: Patience leads to profound personal growth and understanding.
  • Revision and Reassessment: Reevaluate past experiences and rewrite your narratives.
  • Themed Opportunities:Revisit and master recurring life themes for personal development.
  • Delayed Progress: Anticipate obstacles and slower-than-usual progress.
  • Internal Turmoil: Retrogrades stir up emotions and challenge our inner peace.
  • Karmic Challenges: Old karmic patterns may resurface for resolution.
  • Communication Struggles: Misunderstandings and miscommunications arise, especially with Mercury retrograde.
  • Unconventional Challenges: Confront unconventional challenges with adaptability and creativity.

Retrograde Saturn as Lord of 6th house :

Retrograde Mars as Lord of 6th house :

Retrograde Venus as Lord of 6th house :

Retrograde mercury as Lord of 6th house :

Retrograde Jupiter as Lord of 6th house :

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