SADE SATTI AND DHAIYA OF SATURN effects and remedies. Prepare yourself for a balanced and harmonious future.

Saturn, the offspring of the Sun and Chhaya and the sibling of Yama, completes a full revolution around the zodiac in approximately 29 to 30 years, spending roughly 2.5 years in each sign. Governed by Saturn are the number 8 and Saturday, making it the significator for the 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th houses. Furthermore, Saturn holds dominion over the 10th and 11th houses, representing Capricorn and Aquarius, respectively.
The negative implications of Sade Sati should not be universally applied. A comprehensive analysis of various factors is crucial to determine its true impact. When evaluating Sade Sati, it is important to consider the Ascendant’s position and its rise in the birth chart, along with the placement and strength of Saturn and the Moon. Additionally, the ongoing Dasha should be taken into account for a comprehensive assessment.
Sade SaTti AND dHAIYA OF SATURN: the Impact of this Planetary Phase
Sade Satti refers to a period of 7 and a half years influenced by the planet Saturn. It begins when Saturn transitions into the house immediately prior to the natal Moon sign or the house where the natal Moon is located, and continues until it moves into the house succeeding the natal Moon.
गोचर का शनि जब चंद्र राशि से एक भाव पहले भ्रमण करना शुरु करता है, अगली दो भाव में गुजरते हुए वह समय चक्र पूरा करता है. यह समय चक्र साढ़े सात वर्ष का होता है तब जातक की शनि की साढ़ेसाती का आरंभ होता है.
Transit if Saturn for 7.5 years is called Sade Satti.
Transit of Saturn for 2.5 years is the called Dhaiyya , Kantakshani, or Ashtamshani.
Saturn transit through the 4th sign from the natal Moon sign (Kantak Shani), or from the 8th sign from the natal moon sign (Ashtamshani).
जन्म चंद्र से जब गोचर का शनि चौथे अथवा आठवें भाव में गोचर करता है तब शनि की ढ़ैय्या आरंभ होती है. ढ़ैय्या अर्थात ढ़ाई साल का समय.
Transit refers to the movement of a planet, as it traverses through the different zodiac signs in relation to an individual’s birth chart. It involves observing the current positions of the planets and comparing them to their respective positions at the time of a person’s birth. These planetary transits hold significance as they can impact various aspects of a person’s life, encompassing areas such as emotions, relationships, career, and overall life circumstances.
Transits have their own effects. They do make the circumstances favourable or unfavourable, helping or obstructing our smooth life but they do not give which is not promised by birthchart. The effects of this transit should be reckon from Moon Sign as well as Ascendant Sign. The importance of the Ascendant/Lagna sign can not be over-emphasized the moon sign.
Moon sign is the connecting link between the pre and post natal period of the native. Moon governs the emotional side of the brain and during the transit of Saturn there can be impulsive actions along with sentiments and sensitivity. Anything that influence feeling influence the mind and thinking power,thus the action of Native, hence the Moon sign gets a precedence over Ascendant /Lagna.
SADE SATTI AND DHAIYA OF SATURN: What is The Effect of Sade Satti? शनि की साढ़े साती का प्रभाव |
Saturn governs the realms of diligence and self-discipline, and it also bestows rewards during this phase. Sade Sati can present an opportune time for remarkable achievements. If Saturn holds the position of a yoga karaka in an individual’s birth chart, it ensures that the person will not endure suffering.
Individuals with Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus, and Libra ascendants generally experience lesser afflictions during this period, although it ultimately varies based on the unique configuration of each person’s chart.
The impact of Sade Sati depends on the individual’s specific chart. If Saturn is unfavorably placed in inauspicious houses, one may face a multitude of challenges in life. The Sade Sati period may bring feelings of dissatisfaction, disappointment, depression, conflicts, disharmony, and undesirable outcomes. Most individuals undergo 2-3 Sade Sati periods in their lifetime, with experiencing 4 periods being exceptionally rare.
Despite the potential troubles and tensions, Sade Sati does not preclude success. In fact, many individuals flourish and achieve new heights during this phase. Sade Sati emphasizes the importance of conscientiously fulfilling one’s moral obligations, regardless of personal preferences and aversions.
Dhaiya of Saturn/ Shani

The Saturn Dhaiya period, which lasts for 2.5 years, should not be confused with the Saturn Main period (Dasha), which spans 19 years. The duration of this 2.5-year transit may or may not align with the Dasha, Bhukti, or Antra periods of Saturn.
When Saturn transits the 4th house from the Moon, it influences the natal Moon’s house placement, including the 6th and 10th houses from the Moon.
During this phase, individuals may encounter feelings of anxiety and experience challenges in their job or professional life, as well as financial difficulties, especially if Saturn is not favorably positioned in their birth chart.
Emotional challenges: The 4th house represents emotional well-being, comfort, and security. Saturn’s transit over this house may bring emotional challenges, feelings of loneliness and a sense of insecurity. It is essential to stay grounded and focus on self-care during this period.
Real estate and property matters: The 4th house also signifies property and real estate. Saturn’s transit may bring challenges related to these matters, such as delays, obstacles or disputes. However, it can also provide opportunities for long-term investments and stability in this area if Saturn is favourable in the chart.
Family and domestic life: The 4th house represents family and domestic life. Saturn’s transit may bring challenges in these areas, such as increased responsibilities, tensions or separations. It is crucial to maintain open communication and work towards resolving any issues.
Career and professional life: Although the 4th house is not directly related to career, Saturn’s transit may impact professional life as well. There may be increased responsibilities, challenges or delays in career growth. However, it can also lead to long-term success through hard work and dedication.

When Saturn transits the 8th house from the Moon, it casts its influence on the 10th house, which includes the 2nd and 5th houses from the Moon. During this period, individuals may encounter various challenges, such as accidents, life-threatening situations, divorce, significant health issues concerning the mother, losses in the share market, speculation, and lottery-related setbacks. These outcomes are more likely to occur if Saturn is unfavorably positioned in the birth chart.
Transformation and change: The 8th house represents transformation, change and hidden aspects of life. Saturn’s transit over this house may bring significant changes and transformations in the individual’s life, which may be challenging but ultimately lead to growth and development.
Financial matters: The 8th house also signifies other people’s money, such as inheritance, loans and investments. Saturn’s transit may bring challenges related to these matters, such as delays, obstacles, or losses. However, it can also provide opportunities for long-term financial planning and stability.
Intense emotions and relationships: The 8th house is associated with intense emotions, such as passion, jealousy and obsession. Saturn’s transit may bring challenges in relationships, such as power struggles or intense emotional experiences. However, it can also lead to deeper connections and understanding.
Health and vitality: Saturn’s transit over the 8th house may bring health challenges, particularly related to chronic conditions or diseases. It is essential to take care of one’s health, seek medical advice when necessary and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

However, if Saturn is favorable in the chart, the effects may be milder in nature.
Saturn does not harm native of Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius ascendants . It takes the native to a different height of success financially and professionally along with much respect and glory than expected.
अगर लग्न,वृष,मिथुन,कन्या,तुला,मकर अथवा कुम्भ है तो शनि हानि नहीं पहुंचाते हैं वरन उनसे लाभ व सहयोग मिलता है शनि यदि लग्न कुण्डली व चन्द्र कुण्डली दोनों में शुभ कारक है तो किसी भी तरह शनि कष्टकारी नहीं होता है| शनि की दशा में बहुत से लोगों को अपेक्षा से बढ़कर लाभ, सम्मान व वैभव की प्राप्ति होती है।
Saturn Dhaiya and impact of Vahan; शनि ढैय्या और वाहन का प्रभाव

Ardhashtam – Saturn transit 4th from Natal Moon
Ashtam- Saturn transit 8th from Natal Moon
अर्धाष्टम – शनि का जन्म के चंद्रमा से चतुर्थ भाव पर गोचर करता है |
अष्टम- शनि जन्म के चंद्र से अष्टम भाव पर गोचर करता है|
How to calculate ? कैसे करें कैलकुलेशन?
(Birth Moon constellation + Moon constellation) at the time Saturn ingress in a sign or Birth Tithi + Birth weekday + Birth Moon constellation + Moon constellation at the time Saturn ingress in a sign
जन्म चंद्र नक्षत्र + चंद्र नक्षत्र जब शनि नई राशि में प्रवेश करता है उस समय तक की गणना करें या जन्म तिथि + जन्म सप्ताह का दिन + जन्म चंद्र नक्षत्र + चंद्र नक्षत्र जब शनि नई राशि में प्रवेश करता है
Divide the obtain number by 9, remainder will indicate the vehicle.
प्राप्त संख्या को 9 से विभाजित करें, शेष वाहन को इंगित करेगा।
1. Donkey ; गधा – शुभ नहीं
2. Horse ; घोड़ा – मिश्रित परिणाम
3. Elephant ; हाथी – सफलता
4. Buffalo ; भैंस – मिश्रित परिणाम
5. Lion ; सिंह – शुभ
6. Jackle ; लोमड़ी – शुभ नहीं
7. Crow ; कौआ – शोक , शुभ नहीं
8. Peacock ; मोर – लाभ
9. Swan ; हंस – सबसे शुभ
SADE SATTI: Three phases of Sade Satti : Rising, Peak and Setting
1st phase – Financial Losses.
2nd phase -Health / Family issues
3rd phase – Injuries /Accidents
शनि साढ़े साती के तीन चरण होते हैं। पहला चरण उदय चरण कहलाता है, दूसरा चरण शिखर चरण कहलाता है तो तीसरा चरण अस्त चरण कहलाता है।
पहला चरण – वित्तीय नुकसान।
दूसरा चरण -स्वास्थ्य / पारिवारिक मुद्दे
तीसरा चरण – चोटें / दुर्घटनाएं

First phase of sade satti

The first phase of Sade Satti begins when Saturn transits the 12th house from the Moon. During this phase, Saturn influences the 2nd, 6th, and 9th houses from the Moon.
The 2nd house primarily relates to wealth, material accomplishments, and family matters. As a result, it affects aspects such as savings, income, and relationships with family members.
The 6th house pertains to daily work and health, leading to hindrances and obstacles in day-to-day tasks. The individual may develop doubts about those around them, including friends and subordinates. The presence of sluggishness in life can trigger irritability and fear, ultimately impacting one’s overall well-being.
The 9th house represents luck and fortune. During this phase, the native may begin to doubt whether their luck will continue to favor them, leading to a lack of confidence and a sense of uncertainty about their future prospects.
The affliction of the 2nd, 6th, and 9th houses sets the stage for potential misfortunes, creating a foundation for challenging circumstances to unfold.
साढ़े साती का पहला चरण: 12 वें घर से, शनि चंद्रमा से दूसरे, छठे और नौवें घर पर दृष्टि डालता है। दूसरा घर धन, भौतिक उपलब्धियों, परिवार का है इसलिए परिवार के सदस्यों के साथ बचत, आय और संबंधों को प्रभावित करता है। छठा भाव दिन-प्रतिदिन के कार्य और स्वास्थ्य का होता है, इसलिए कार्य पर प्रभाव पड़ता है, छोटे-मोटे काम में भी रुकावटें आती हैं, जातक अपने आस-पास के सभी लोगों जैसे मित्र, अधीनस्थों आदि पर संदेह करता है, जीवन में आलस्य के कारण चिढ़/भयभीत हो जाता है, जिसका प्रभाव व्यक्ति पर पड़ता है। स्वास्थ्य। नवम भाव भाग्य का होता है, जातक को यह संदेह होने लगता है कि उसका भाग्य साथ देगा या नहीं, जिससे आत्मविश्वास की कमी का विकास होता है। इसलिए 2, 6, 9वें को कष्ट दुर्भाग्य के बीज बोता है।
Second phase of sade satti

The second phase of Sade Satti commences when Saturn transits the natal Moon. During this phase, Saturn casts its influence on the 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses from the Moon.
The 1st house represents the self, revealing one’s personality and potential. When Saturn occupies the 1st house with the Moon, it diminishes the mental and physical energy of the individual. This affects their intelligence and belief in themselves, leading to a predominance of negativity over positivity.
The 3rd house symbolizes hard work, courage, communication, motivation, and taking initiative. Saturn dampens the confidence to take action, allowing laziness to overtake diligent effort, resulting in diminished motivation. Curiosity and mental agility also decline, and there may be adverse relations with younger siblings due to misunderstandings.
The 7th house relates to personal and professional relationships, business partnerships, and interactions with the public. With Saturn’s aspect, these areas experience negative influences. Business growth and expansion may stagnate, conflicts may arise in marital relationships, and disagreements with partners become apparent.
The 10th house represents karmic actions, fame, career, the status of the father, and dealings with government entities. Saturn’s aspect adversely affects these areas. It hinders the chances of success, promotions, and rewards for hard work, and may introduce challenges when dealing with government departments. Consequently, the growth and fruition of one’s karma are significantly impacted.
साढ़े साती का दूसरा चरण: पहले घर से, शनि चंद्रमा से तीसरे, सातवें और दसवें घर पर दृष्टि डालता है। प्रथम भाव स्व है, व्यक्तित्व और क्षमता को प्रकट करता है। चंद्रमा के साथ प्रथम भाव में शनि जातक की मानसिक और शारीरिक ऊर्जा को कम करता है। बुद्धि और स्वयं में विश्वास को प्रभावित करता है। नकारात्मकता सकारात्मकता पर राज करती है। तीसरा भाव कड़ी मेहनत, साहस, संचार, प्रेरणा, पहल है।
शनि पहल करने के आत्मविश्वास को खराब करता है, आलस्य कड़ी मेहनत पर कब्जा कर लेता है जो बदले में प्रेरणा को शून्य कर देता है। मानसिक स्तर पर जिज्ञासा और फुर्ती शांत हो जाती है। छोटे भाई-बहनों से संबंध गलतफहमियों के कारण प्रतिकूल हो सकते हैं।
7 वां भाव संबंध व्यक्तिगत और पेशेवर, व्यावसायिक, जनता से निपटने वाला है। शनि की दृष्टि से ये क्षेत्र नकारात्मक रूप में प्रभावित होते हैं। व्यापार में ठहराव और विस्तार, वैवाहिक संबंधों में टकराव, भागीदारों के साथ असहमति देखने को मिल सकती है।
दसवां भाव कर्मस्थान है, प्रसिद्धि, करियर, पिता की स्थिति, सरकार शनि की दृष्टि से नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित होती है। सफलता, पदोन्नति, कड़ी मेहनत के लिए पुरस्कार की संभावना को खराब करता है, सरकार के माध्यम से कुछ समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। विभाग। इसलिए कर्म की फसल उगाना बुरी तरह प्रभावित होता है।
Third phase of sade satti

The third phase of Sade Satti initiates when Saturn transits the house adjacent to the Moon. During this phase, Saturn casts its influence on the 4th, 8th, and 11th houses from the Moon.
The 4th house represents domestic happiness, the mother, property, and vehicles. Saturn’s aspect may bring adversity in these realms. There could be disturbances in domestic peace, causing the native to temporarily leave home or change residences for various reasons. The health of the mother may be affected, and there may be incidents such as damage to vehicles or houses.
The 8th house relates to longevity, accidents, inheritance, and occult studies. Saturn’s aspect in this house can be detrimental in terms of financial matters concerning money from spouses, in-laws, or parents. It may also indicate accidents and obstacles in occult studies. Losses in investments or heavy borrowing may occur, and there may be hindrances in research, depending on other factors in the individual’s chart.
The 11th house governs gains, the social circle, elder siblings, and ambitions. Saturn’s aspect impacts these areas. Differences may arise with siblings or friends, ambitions may be suppressed, leading to frustration, desires may go unfulfilled, and there may be losses in speculative ventures. However, through these experiences, the native undergoes a complete transformation and emerges filled with wisdom by the end of the third cycle of Sade Satti.
In summary, the third phase of Sade Satti brings challenges and obstacles in areas related to domestic life, finances, and aspirations. However, it also offers an opportunity for personal growth and the acquisition of wisdom through the lessons learned during this period.
साढ़े साती का तीसरा चरण: दूसरे घर से, शनि चंद्रमा से चौथे, आठवें और ग्यारहवें घर को देखता है। चतुर्थ भाव घरेलू सुख है, माता, संपत्ति, वाहन, शनि की दृष्टि चतुर्थ भाव के क्षेत्र में प्रतिकूलता का कारण बन सकती है। घरेलू शांति की हानि हो सकती है, जातक घर छोड़ सकता है या किसी कारण से निवास परिवर्तन कर सकता है, माता का स्वास्थ्य, वाहन या घर को नुकसान हो सकता है।
अष्टम भाव दीर्घायु, दुर्घटना, उत्तराधिकार, गुप्त अध्ययन है इसलिए शनि की दृष्टि जीवनसाथी या ससुराल या माता-पिता से धन के संबंध में हानिकारक हो सकती है, दुर्घटना और मनोगत अध्ययन, निवेश में हानि या भारी उधारी, अनुसंधान में बाधा, अन्य सापेक्ष कारकों के आधार पर चार्ट। लाभ के लिए 11वां, सामाजिक दायरा, बड़े भाई-बहन, महत्वाकांक्षाएं, इच्छाएं शनि की दृष्टि से प्रभावित होंगी। भाई-बहन या दोस्तों से मतभेद हो सकता है, महत्वाकांक्षाओं का दमन निराशा में बदल सकता है, इच्छाएं पूरी नहीं होंगी, अटकलों में नुकसान होगा। लेकिन इन सबके साथ ही तीसरे चक्र के अंत तक बुद्धि से भरे जातक में पूर्ण परिवर्तन हो जाएगा।
In short :
First phase separates one from his family , money ,health , luck , because of disputes or job or sickness. Second phase effects the motivation ,courage ,initiative, issues with spouse , career unstability , but slowly leads to actual transformation related to mind , profession and spouse . Third phase the least severe phase of Sade satti but still there will be minor issues with inlaws , friends, health problem to mother,misunderstanding with partners and slowness in business. Even then it is replenishing after sufferings, so this phase is usually good at the end .
शनि का एक चरण ढाई साल का होता है। पहले चरण में शनि जातक को आर्थिक रूप से परेशान करते हैं। शनि अपनी साढ़ेसाती के दूसरे चरण में जातक को मानसिक तौर पर परेशान करते हैं। इस दौरान व्यक्ति को काम में असफलता मिलना, अपनों से धोखा, धन हानि होती है। शनि अपने तीसरे और अंतिम चरण में नुकसान की भरपाई करते हैं। यानी इस दौरान व्यक्ति की स्थिति में धीरे-धीरे सुधार होता है।
how native might feel during the three phases of Sade Sati, considering both favorable and unfavorable Saturn placements
1st Phase (Rising Phase)
Favorable Saturn: Initial challenges and anxieties, but a growing sense of determination to face them head-on. A period of preparation and improved focus on goals as Saturn transits the 12th house from the moon.
Unfavorable Saturn: A sudden onslaught of difficulties and setbacks, leading to a sense of discouragement and overwhelm. Challenging and restrictive as Saturn transits the 12th house from the moon.
2nd Phase (Peak Phase)
Favorable Saturn: Intense pressure and hard work, but also growing strength and the achievement of important milestones. Opportunities for greater responsibility and status as Saturn transits the 1st house from the moon.
Unfavorable Saturn: The most difficult phase, with challenges reaching their peak, potentially leading to feelings of despair and hopelessness. Full of obstacles as Saturn transits the 1st house from the moon.
3rd Phase (Setting Phase)
Favorable Saturn: Gradual easing of burdens, a sense of accomplishment, and the emergence of newfound resilience. Increased prosperity and achievement of ambitions as Saturn transits the 2nd house from the moon.
Unfavorable Saturn: Lingering difficulties and a slow recovery process, potentially marked by exhaustion and disillusionment. Gaining strength as Saturn transits the 2nd house from the moon.
How to Navigate the Three Challenging Phases of Saturn’s Sade Satti?

There are three phases to Saturn Sade Satti. Phase 1: Take action to move forward despite obstacles and challenges caused by Saturn's transit. Phase 2: Cultivate a sense of purpose and compassion towards oneself and others while being mindful of Saturn's influence. Phase 3: Experience increased resilience and inner strength as a result of navigating Saturn's trials and tribulations.
शनि की साढ़े साती के तीन चुनौतीपूर्ण चरणों को कैसे नेविगेट करें ?

शनि की साढ़े साती के तीन चरण होते हैं।
चरण 1: शनि के गोचर के कारण बाधाओं और चुनौतियों के बावजूद आगे बढ़ने के लिए कार्रवाई करें।
चरण 2: शनि के प्रभाव के प्रति सचेत रहते हुए अपने और दूसरों के प्रति उद्देश्य और करुणा की भावना पैदा करें।
चरण 3: शनि की परीक्षाओं और परेशानी को नेविगेट करने के परिणामस्वरूप बढ़े हुए समुत्थानशक्ति और आंतरिक शक्ति का अनुभव करें।
How to Judge Sade Satti of Saturn through Ashtakavarga and Sarvashtakavarga ?
Sarvashtakavarga (SAV) is a system used to assess the strength of various houses in a birth chart. To evaluate the effect of Sade Satti through SAV, it is necessary to examine the points in the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses from the Moon. If all three houses have high points, typically above 28, then the entire 7 ½-year period of Sade Satti is likely to unfold favorably. However, if any of these houses have 28 or fewer points, then when Saturn transits that particular house, the corresponding 2 ½-year phase may bring unfavorable results. In essence, higher points indicate better outcomes, while lower points indicate poorer outcomes.
For example, if the Moon is in Capricorn, it is essential to assess the points in the neighboring signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius to determine the overall strength of the SAV for the Sade Satti period of Saturn.

To evaluate the results of Saturn’s Sade Satti period using Ashtakavarga (AV) is very important to be considered.
If the total number of points (Bindus) for Moon and Saturn is less than 4, the Sade Satti period is likely to bring troubles and challenges. With exactly 4 points, the impact is considered neutral. However, if there are more than 4 Bindus, the results of this transit are not expected to be unfavorable. “

Another significant aspect to consider when evaluating the impact of Saturn’s Sade Satti is the analysis of Padas/Payas.
During each 2.5-year phase of Sade Satti, both positive and negative effects can be observed, depending on the analysis of Padas/Payas.
Positive effects may manifest as rewards for diligent efforts, advancements in one’s career, successful overcoming of obstacles, and good health.
On the other hand, negative effects may entail experiences of humiliation, delays or denials in the outcomes of hard work, failures in endeavors, disruptions in family life, and health issues.
How to determine the Padas/Payas ?
Check the position of transiting Moon with Natal Moon at the time of Saturn ingress into new sign.
This will reveals whether each Sade Sati period is good, bad, or terrible.
The outcome of the transiting Moon occupying specific houses from the natal Moon can be described as follows:
1st, 6th, or 11th sign/house from the natal Moon: Gold Pada – Unfavorable results characterized by anxiety, hardship, and worries.
2nd, 5th, or 9th sign/house from the natal Moon: Silver Pada – Very good results leading to happiness in terms of finances, career, and family.
3rd, 7th, or 10th sign/house from the natal Moon: Copper Pada – Good results manifesting as progress in business, job, profession, and day-to-day work.
4th, 8th, or 12th sign/house from the natal Moon: Iron Pada – Worst results involving extensive hard work to achieve goals and desires, along with increased struggle and obstacles in daily life.
The significance of Navamsa in determining the outcome of Sade Satti can be understood as follows:
When Sade Satti begins, Saturn enters the Navamsa (one-ninth division) occupied by the natal moon and remains positioned behind the moon, maintaining an approximate distance of 40-43 degrees. This placement in the Navamsa chart holds importance as it affects the influence of Saturn during this period.
Saturn spends around 3.3 months in each Navamsa sign, completing two cycles and covering 24 Navamsas in approximately 6.5 years. Throughout its transit in the Navamsas, Saturn comes into contact with various planets, influencing the respective areas they represent. This interaction with planets in the Navamsa chart has a direct impact on the corresponding areas of life represented by those planets.
During the Sade Satti period, if transiting Saturn forms a connection or aspect with the natal Saturn, Mars, or Rahu, it is likely to create unfavorable conditions. This can lead to challenges and a lack of clarity in one’s vision or decision-making.
On the other hand, if Saturn forms a connection or aspect with benefic planets, there may be some relief experienced during the Sade Satti period. For example, if Saturn connects with Jupiter, known as a benefic planet, it may bring some positive influence or opportunities for growth and expansion.
It’s important to analyze the specific planetary configurations in an individual’s birth chart to fully understand the impact of Saturn’s transit in the Navamsa during Sade Satti.
Native born under dual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) are least impacted by the “Sade Satti”
These signs are known for their analytical and critical thinking. They possess the ability to analyze and discern matters keenly, making well-informed judgments and decisions. Even in day-to-day affairs, they exhibit a thoughtful and discerning approach, not taking things at face value. They do not treat daily matters casually or superficially. They consider and contemplate even seemingly mundane things thoroughly, leaving no stone unturned.
Prior to making decisions, they engage in extensive research and gather all relevant information. This meticulous planning minimizes the chances of failure during Sade Sati, a period when obstacles are more likely.
Their decisions are based on their own analysis and judgment, rather than being shaped by others’ thoughts. These signs are less susceptible to peer pressure or outside influences. Which can be a strength during Sade Sati as it’s a time when self-doubt can arise.
The combination of these traits – analytical mind, thorough research, and independent thinking – acts as a buffer against the negative effects of Sade Sati. By being proactive and well-prepared, they are believed to be better equipped to handle the challenges this period brings.
In essence, the discriminatory mindset, deep contemplation, extensive information gathering, and independent thinking of those born under dual signs are seen as protective factors against the challenges posed by Sade Satti.
During Saturn’s Sade Satti, certain remedies can be performed to mitigate the malefic effects and bring about positive changes. The remedies to appease Saturn and seek its blessings should be started from Saturday of Waxing Moon (Shukla Paksha). Some commonly recommended remedies include:

- Regular worship and prayers: Devotees may worship God Hanuman or Shani Devby reciting mantras or prayers dedicated to them on Saturdays , such as the Hanuman Chalise or Shani Mantra or the Navagraha Stotram. Regular prayers and seeking blessings can help alleviate the negative impact of Sade Satti.
- Lighting a sesame oil lamp: Lighting a lamp with sesame oil in front of God Shani’s idol or picture is believed to please Saturn and reduce its malefic influence. This practice is usually performed on Saturdays, which is considered an auspicious day for Saturn.
- Wearing a blue sapphire gemstone: Blue sapphire, also known as Neelam, is considered the gemstone associated with Saturn. Wearing a high-quality blue sapphire after consulting with an astrologer is believed to enhance the positive energies of Saturn and minimize the adverse effects of Sade Satti.
- Charity and donations: Performing acts of charity and helping the less fortunate is considered an effective way to appease Saturn. Donating Food, New Black Clothes , Black Mustard , Mustard Oil to the poor or Brahmin.
- Performing Saturn-related rituals: Conducting rituals like Mahamrityunjaya Homa, Shani Puja or the Saturn Homa, can help in reducing the malefic effects of Sade Satti. These rituals involve offering prayers, performing specific chants, and seeking the blessings of Lord Saturn.
- Yantras : Can be tied to right arm in silver amulet with blue string or can be kept at Puja place.
- Wearing iron ring made from black horse shoe on middle finger (Male righthand – Female left hand).
- Meditation by chanting “AUM”
To conclude : It is recommended to adopt a proactive approach during the three phases of Sade Satti of Saturn. During Phase 1, it is advised to be proactive and take action to move forward despite obstacles and challenges caused by Saturn's transit. In Phase 2, the focus should be on cultivating a sense of purpose and compassion towards oneself and others, while also being mindful of Saturn's influence. Finally, in Phase 3, the individual may experience increased resilience and inner strength as a result of navigating Saturn's trials and tribulations.
The Saturn Podcast: Everything You Need to Know
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