he Paradox of Saturn Remedies: Iron Ring vs. Iron Purchase

Saturn Remedy: Wearing Iron Ring vs. Iron Purchase

Explore the contrasting beliefs surrounding the use of iron as a Saturn remedy for Saturn-related problems, including wearing an iron ring and purchasing iron articles on Saturdays. The possible explanations for this paradox and gain insight into the ancient Indian beliefs that may underpin these practices.

Saturn Remedies refers to the contrasting beliefs regarding the use of iron as a remedy for Saturn-related problems. On one hand, wearing an iron ring on the middle finger on a Saturday is believed to mitigate the negative effects of Saturn, according to astrology and some religious practices. On the other hand, it is forbidden to purchase iron articles on a Saturday, as it is believed to bring bad luck.

why it is recommended to wear an iron ring on Saturday as a Saturn remedy, but at the same time, it is considered inauspicious to purchase iron articles on the same day.

Why it is recommended to wear an iron ring on Saturday as a Saturn remedy ?
Why it is recommended to wear an iron ring on Saturday as a Saturn remedy ?

Saturn Remedy

This paradox raises the question of some people believe that the reason for this contradiction lies in the ancient Indian belief that iron is associated with Mars and not Saturn. Therefore, wearing an iron ring on Saturday may help to balance the negative effects of Saturn, while purchasing iron articles on Saturday may activate the aggressive energies of Mars.

***(Mars is known as the Red Planet because iron minerals in the Martian soil oxidize, or rust, causing the soil and atmosphere to look red).

Then why it is recommended to wear iron ring in middle finger on Saturday as Saturn Remedy ?

When Saturn is unfavorable in the chart, there may be difficulties in various aspects of life, such as finances, emotions, relationships, friendships, and career. The individual may feel a sense of instability and slowness in everything they do. To bring stability and a sense of speed in life, it is recommended to wear an iron ring in the middle finger as a Prasad (offering) from Saturn.

The iron ring should be made of black horse shoe because the horse is an animal that is associated with Saturn and represents both speed and stability. The middle finger is located above the Saturn mount, which is why it is suggested to wear the iron ring on this finger.

The placements of Saturn that are considered the most unfavourable and Saturn Remedy to be adopted

4th house, it can create disturbances in the domestic life of the native.
5th house, it can create obstacles in education, struggle with expressing self, and progeny.
7th house, it can create problems in the marriage and partnerships of the native.
12th house, it can create difficulties related to expenses, foreign travel, and loss of reputation.

Here are a few more unfavorable placements of Saturn :

8th house, it can create issues related to inheritance, sudden losses, and health problems.
1st house, it can create a sense of heaviness and negativity in the personality of the native. They may struggle with self-confidence and feel burdened by responsibilities.
9th house, it can create difficulties related to spiritual growth, higher education, and long-distance travel. The native may struggle to find meaning in life and may feel disconnected from their beliefs.
10th house, it can create obstacles in career and reputation. The native may struggle to find success in their chosen profession and may face.

Saturday: The Day of Saturn, God of Justice – Why Bringing Iron Home is Inauspicious ?

It is believed that bringing iron items into the home on Saturdays can prove to be inauspicious and harmful for those who are already under the influence of Shani Dev or Saturn. This may bring bad luck and mental tensions into one’s day-to-day life. It is also believed that buying iron items on Saturdays may displease Shani Dev.

On the other hand, donating iron items or things made of iron on Saturdays as Saturn Remedy is considered highly auspicious way of gaining Saturn’s blessings.

It is believed that by making donations, one can mitigate the effects of Saturn in their life and remove obstacles that may be blocking their progress. This is why donating iron items on Saturdays is seen as a way of gaining positive energy and avoiding negative consequences.These practices reflect the importance of adhering to certain beliefs and customs in order to maintain positivity and balance in life.

As per the Indian Epic, the reason for this is explained in our scriptures as follows:

Once the nine planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu – wanted to determine which of them was the most important. To settle the matter, they sought the advice of Indra, the king of gods. However, Indra, not wanting to offend any of the planets, suggested that they seek the opinion of King Vikramaditya of Ujjain instead. Vikramaditya was known for his wisdom and ability to make sound judgments.

When the planets approached Vikramaditya, he got nine thrones made from different metals and assigned a rank to each metal. The highest-ranked metal was gold, followed by silver, copper, and so on, until iron was ranked last ie. Gold – 1, Silver – 2…..Iron – 9 . The planets were asked to sit on the thrones according to their rank. This way, Vikramaditya avoided offending any of the planets and settled their dispute fairly. The story is often cited as an example of Vikramaditya’s intelligence and fairness.

Metals Attached to Each Planet in Vedic Astrology :

Sun – Copper
Moon – Silver
Mars – Copper
Mercury – Bronze / Brass
Jupiter – Gold
Venus – Silver
Rahu – Lead
Ketu – Lead
Saturn – Iron

After King Vikramaditya of Ujjain assigned a rank to each metal , he asked the planets chose their respective thrones, Which the planets did as per their natural affinity. Shani Dev ended up with the Iron throne, which was of the lowest rank. This did not please him, and as a result, the king experienced a period of misfortune for seven and a half years known as Sade Satti. During this time, he was separated from his kingdom and left alone in a dense forest, surviving on limited resources. He was forced to live like a commoner and perform hard labor, ultimately losing his limbs also.

One night, while Vikramaditya was asleep, he had a dream in which he saw Shani Dev. He prayed to Shani Dev and asked for forgiveness. Shani Dev, pleased with the king’s prayers, blessed him and said that his Sade Satti was now over. Shani Dev returned everything to the king and since then, the king became a devout worshipper of the Nava Graha and gave the highest position to Shani Dev. He instructed his subjects to keep a fast and pray to Shani Dev on Saturdays as a sign of their devotion.

Since then it is believed that the purchase of Iron on the Saturday makes Shani Dev angry.

Wearing an iron ring is considered a personal Saturn remedy, while purchasing iron articles is a materialistic activity that may invite the negative influences of Saturn. Therefore, it is advised to wear an iron ring as a Saturn remedy to balance the negative effects of Saturn, but avoid purchasing iron articles on a Saturday, which may lead to materialistic losses.

Feel free to check out more about Saturn Remedy on my YouTube page for more insightful contents. You can find it at Youtube. Additionally, if you’re interested in scheduling a consultation or contacting me for further inquiries, please visit my website where you can find my contact details. I look forward to connecting with you and providing the guidance you seek.

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