The Vedic astrological charts can indicate good or ill health.

"Vedic Astrology"

The chances of ill health can be known well before its appearance through Vedic Astrology

Carefully predicted health astrology can foretell any impending incidents and prolonged illness. One should not underestimate the role of the planets in causing disease and suffering or indicating happiness and well-being. 

A Vedic Astrology reading can also provide helpful information for health, pinpointing the more vulnerable organs or body systems that necessitate greater care and attention throughout one’s life. It can also identify the times of increased stress for the body when disease might manifest in full force or when regular medical exams might be absolutely necessary. By finding out that their health is likely to suffer at a certain time, a person can take preventative steps before entering the difficult astrological period.

Select Health Reading

General Predictions

Does not contain corresponding timeline

Overall reading based on the Ascendant, Nakshatra, positions , aspects , relationship  of planets at the time of their birth (NATAL CHART).

Current Dasa Prediction

Running Dasa Detail

Reading based on the Analysis of Current Dasa (Main Period) , Bhukti(Sub Period), Antar Dasa (sub- sub Period), Current Transit of planets and its effects and Remedies.

Detailed Predictions

General Prediction, Dasa Analysis, Planetary Transit, Corresponding Timing, Remedies

Detailed reading of Marriage according to Ascendant, Moon Nakshatra, planets, planets Aspects, Planets Lordship, Yoga’s – Good and Bad, Planets Dasa (Main Period), Bhukti (Sub Period), Antar Dasa (sub- sub Period), Planetary Transits and Remedies.

Book health reading

Medical astrology involves the timing of the period of illness, and the severity or overcome of it. Vedic astrology has an extremely rich methodology which can be employed to decipher the occurrence of events, as well as their timing, very accurately. 

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