Successful Percentage of Zodiac Signs -Stock Market

Sun Signs and Investors

ARIES – Splash their money as soon as it enters their account. Tenacious and thrill-seeking, they simply loves to ride the market . 
TAURUS –  Love security and stability. As disciplined savers,  cautious investors with moderate account top-ups.
GEMINI – Terrible at managing their accounts. Expresses the highest levels of discomfort with market volatility.
LEO – Have a shorter-than-average investment timeframe but also have the second highest levels of comfort with market volatility.
CANCER – Financially conservative. Less comfortable with volatility and preferred lower portfolio risk.
VIRGO – They do not target higher returns and ready to wait longer.
LIRRA – Are the least confident investors. Will examine everything three times before committing. Thorough in money-matters .
SCORPIO – Have a flair for investment and money management. Their inestments are balanced.
SAGITTARIUS – Poor decisions when it comes to money and investments. Most likely to have a high-risk portfolio.
CAPRICORN – Appear to have a flair for investing. They resisted DESIRE to buy shares during market downturns.
AQUARIUS –  Aquarian’s alleged lack of interest in finance. A panicky propensity to sell shares when the market was down. 
PISCES –  A low appetite for risk. They are not money-minded and need financial advice more than any other sign. They are savvier.

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