House Trinities :

FIRE:  The Trinity of Spirit pertains most to the Vital Faculty.
Houses 1st ,5th and 9th (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are the Fire houses, called the Trinity of Spirit. 
The 1st House, or Ascendant, pertains to the physical body and its inherent life, health and vitality.
The 5th House governs joy, creativity and self-expression, the creation of the body; children are also a source of great joy and self-renewal. 
The 9th House, is an area of great adaptation to changing environmental conditions and circumstances.  It brings an expanded appreciation of what it means to be alive.  

EARTH:  The Trinity of Nutrition pertain to the Natural Faculty, and are important in the overall nutrition of the organism.
Houses 2nd, 6th and 10th(the Midheaven) – (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are the Earth houses, called the Trinity of Nutrition.
The 2nd House pertains to your basic attitudes and instincts for self nurturing and physical culture, and your basic tastes and appetites for food, which influence your diet and food selection patterns. 
The 6th House pertains most specifically to diet and eating habits – what you eat, and how you eat it.  It also pertains to how well you digest your food.
 The 10th House pertains to the final assimilation and utilization of nutrients, and their incorporation into the deeper parts of the organism, especially the bones, joints and structural connective tissue. 

AIR:  The Trinity of Relations  because exchange, contact and relationship are important functions of the Air element.
Houses 3rd, 7th, and 11th (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are the Air houses, called the Trinity of Relations
The 3rd House pertains to the air you breathe, and to your relationship with your immediate environment.  It also pertains to peer groups and peer pressure and their influence on your health habits. 
The 7th House, or Descendant, pertains to marriages and partnerships.  They say that one’s choice of a mate or life partner determines 90 percent of all one’s joy or suffering in this life, both psychic and physical.  The Seventh House also pertains to one’s doctor or physician, who should, ideally, be an equal partner with you in your health and healing. 
The 11th House pertains to one’s mentors, associations and role models, who have a great impact on one’s personal growth and development towards the future. 

WATER:  The Trinity of Endings pertain to the hospitalization, quarantine, invalidism or institutionalization.
Houses 4th (the Nadir), 8th and 12th(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are the Water houses, called The Trinity of Endings which are particularly important, especially when it comes to pathology and disease. 
The 4th House pertains to gestation, motherhood and childbirth.  It also represents your early childhood and upbringing and its influence on your basic self nurturing habits.  It also represents invalidism and old age, or retirement from the world. 
The 8th House is the house of transformation.  The transformation can be literal and physical, involving major surgery.  It can also involve the need for cleansing, elimination and detoxification.
The 12th Houses deals with chronic degenerative diseases and conditions that slowly eat away at and undermine the health of the individual. 

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