“Sahsta, Ashta, Vyaya adhipe sahashta, ashta, vyaya sthana gathe Vipareetha-raja yoga muchyathe; akhanda raja-yoga prapthi na samsayaha “
This yoga confers learning, longevity, fame and prosperity. The person will have illustrious friends, be successful in all ventures, a conqueror of foes, and a great celebrity.”
Arises out of the weakness of the lords of the Dustasthanas (Evil Houses).
Vipareeta, in Sanskrit means the “Opposite”, unexpected because the Vipareeta Raja yoga is basically a planetary combination/association of the lords of Dushtsthanas, which otherwise by virtue of their being functional malefics, during their periods and transits, give adverse results ,pain, hardship and losses.
Vipareeta Raja yoga gives the native special strength to overcome an adverse situation and get success out of it.
6th, the 8th and the 12th houses counted from the Lagna (Birth Ascendant) or from the Chandra- lagna (Natal Moon) are Dushtasthanas.
The placement of the lord of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th other than their own as forms Arishta yoga and gives bad results only.
Auspicious yogas such as the Raja yogas and the Dhana yogas can co-exist with Arishta yogas, but then the native availing the benefits of Rajya and also riches, will remain unhappy at personal level.
The lord of the 6th in 8th causes physical ailments according to the characteristic and nature of that planet and in the 12th loss of wealth, earning after immense hardship and dependence on past works and deeds.
The lord of the 8th in the 6th gives great variety of problems affecting wealth, health and conduct, and in the 12th makes one insincere, dishonest, a liar, a thief or a cheat.
The lord of the 12th in the 6th makes one a miser, causes Balarishta and gives weak eyesight or an eye-disease, in the 8th if a malefic makes one aimless and unenterprising. If a benefic planet then an accumulator and a hoarder of wealth.
All planets are rendered weak when the Moon is devoid of strength. The Moon is easily influenced by other planets and therefore, the Evil yogas caused by planets involving the Moon are generally found to be more effective as a weak and ill-placed Moon can create havoc in one’s life.
The lords of the dushtasthanas can confer good results under following conditions
The lord of the 6th situated in a friendly sign or navamsa either in the 10th or in the 2nd house from the lagna – makes one bold and daring, in both eventualities it will be in a trine from its own house.
The strong lord of the 12th exalted and aspected by benefics – blesses one with many comforts and much wealth.
There is the dictum according to which rule lords of inauspicious houses when placed in inauspicious houses cease to act inauspiciously and actually tend to produce favourable results because the lords of inauspicious houses invariably destroy the significance of the houses they occupy and also by virtue of their occupation of a dushtasthana because having become themselves weak they are less prone to give their bad results.
There are three forms of Vipreeta Rajayoga :
The lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th are situated in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house counted from the Lagna other than in their own house – the lord of the 6th in the 8th or in the 12th house confers the favourable Harsha yoga
The lord of the 8th in the 6th or in the 12th house confers the favourable Sarala yoga
The lord of the 12th in the 6th or in the 8th house confers the favourable Vimala yoga
If Lord of 6th is placed in 8th or 12th , Lord of 8th is placed in 6th or 12th, Lord of 12th is placed in 6th or 8th
Lord of 6th , 8th ,12th are associated either by mutual exchange, mutual aspect or free from any association with other planets. Then a very powerful Raja yoga Viparita Raja yoga will arise
Which will that confers learning, longevity, fame and prosperity, illustrious friends, success in all ventures and victory over foes. Enhanced status and financial stability in the dasha of the planet causing this yoga and which result is also witnessed in the dasha of the planet associating with it.
However the power they get will not be lifetime as they will not be able to hold this power due to usage of negative means, cunningness or deceit.
Special condition for the fulfilment of the result of Vipreet Rajayoga is Lagan and Lagna Lord should be strong or Moon and its sign Lord should also be strong. No malefics should be related to these planets, which will ruin the RajaYoga. Also any other planets should not conjunct with these 2 planets.
If Lagna , Lagna lord or Moon is afflicted then native may not possess good mental or physical health.

6th Lord Mars is in 8th house and 8th Lord Mercury is in 6th house making a Parivartan of 6th lord and 8th Lord (dushtasthana Lords)_is Vipreet Rajayoga
Lagan is strong, Moon is strong aspected by Jupiter. Lagna Lord and Moon sign planet is same “MARS”
10th Lord Sun is with 7th lord Venus in 7th generating RajaYoga
Native raised as Party President during Jupiter – Jupiter Dasha.
Jupiter in 10th house in Leo in natal chart.
In Navamsa Jupiter is in 3rd with 10th lord Saturn
In Dasamsa Jupiter 5th lord is in 7th with 10th lord Sun.
Hence Jupiter is very strong.
The presence of any type of Vipreet Rajyoga in a chart can provide sudden , profitable and at the same time risky opportunities to the native. Native with strong chart may benefit from such opportunities whereas Native with weak chart may miss out on such profitability .