successful in business

will you be successful in business ; क्या आप व्यापार में सफल होंगे |

Successful in Business : Many entrepreneurs either never get off the ground or fizzle after spectacular starts.
Rise and Fall in Business is a dynamic factor denoted by promises made in birth chart by planets,signs,constallations.
There is no harm in consulting your birth chart for your economic prosperity.

Astrology points out whether one has the ability to understand and judge things quickly and clearly in business.

successful in business: Houses related to Business as profession

2nd – Accumulation of wealth, Liquid cash, Bank balance, Source of income,Wealth.
7th – Business,Trading, Partner
10th – Career, Status, Position , Achievements.
11th – Gain / Loss, Fulfilment of desires .

3rd – Motivation, Hardwork , Courage
9th – Luck

successful in business: Planets related to Business and Karakas of 10th house of Career

The Sun – Authority, Leadership, Position, Fame, Power and how one come out and deal with the people.
The Moon – Mind ,Calm ,Creative ,Patience. 
Saturn – Lord of 10th sign Capricorn, Hard work , Dedication, Ethics,Discipline.
Mars – Courage for undertaking of independant decisions and aggression towards success.
Mercury – Trade ,Business, Communication.
Jupiter – Wealth, Financial activities.

successful in business : Zodiac Signs related to Business

Aries – Natural leaders, Dynamic with high energy, Ambitious, Driven and Possess a strong work ethic, Competitive and Enthusiastic.
Taurus – Determined , Patient, Don’t act impulsively, Do things right from the very start , Open to learning and improving their skills, Hard workers, usually have will have mentors around them to take advice.
Leo – extremely trustworthy , high business acumen(the ability to understand and judge things quickly and clearly), very personable,  able to bring out the best in other people,  honest, enjoy taking risks and like to be the centre of attention
Virgo – Practical , Analytical ,Sportingly take criticism , Good at keeping tracks of small details, Perfectionists, Practical, Detail-oriented, Open to honest feedback.
Libra – Focused , Positive, Optimistic , Diplomatic, Social ,Leaders
Capricorn – Hard Worker , Sincere, Determinant
Pisces – Creative, Passionate , Excellent communication skills, Compassionate.

For being successful in Business ,house 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th from Ascendant or Moon Ascendant in D1 – Rashi Chart should be connected with each other along with Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars,The Sun and The Moon. If 7th house in dual sign then best for business.
Connection of 10th house lord or planets placed in 10th house of D10 – Dasamsa with D1 – Rashi chart 10th house or 7th house also has an important say.
One only becomes a successful business man if Sun is strong.

For successful Business connection of 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th from Ascendant or Moon Ascendant

Most important planet for business is Mercury. Mercury represents all forms of communications ie , speech, writing skill, language. Represents mental ability,logic and analysis, quickness of thoughts and ability to calculate.
व्यापार के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण ग्रह बुध है। बुध संचार के सभी रूपों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है अर्थात भाषण, लेखन कौशल, भाषा। मानसिक क्षमता, तर्क और विश्लेषण, विचारों की तेजता और गणना करने की क्षमता का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।
For being successful in business Mercury plays the major role. Hence the strength of Mercury in the chart has to be fairly good. Mercury makes a person intelligent, wise and it also helps to take right decisions.Strong Mercury makes a person successful in business. 7th house lord or weak Mercury then person should not go for business.
Few of the Mercury favourable placements :
1. Mercury occupies ascendant, 7th or 10th house.
2.Mercury strongly placed in 10th or 11th with ascendant lord or aspected by ascendant lord.
3.Mercury in 10th in Gemini or Virgo.
4.Any association of Mercury with 7th or 10th.

5. Mercury with Ascendant Lord occupies 7th or 10th.

1. Strong Sun and Moon.
2. Strong 7th house lord makes person a successful business man irrespective of the business line.
3. Planets placed in 7th house must be in good dignity ,friend of ascendant and 10th lord otherwise will induce negative lucks or
negative constraints in the business.
4. Lord of 7th and 10th placed together in 2nd , 7th , 9th , 10th or 11th.
5. Lord of 7th associated with 2nd, 9th ,10th , 11th either by aspect, conjunction, mutual exchange, nakshatra or navamsa.
5. Saturn, Venus, Sun and Mars in 7th House make a person a good businessman.
6. Benefic Mercury in Ascendant ,2nd or 11th along with strong 9th house,then business will succeed.
7. If 2nd and 11th houses are afflicted then better to go for small scale business.
8. If unfavourable planets in 11th then there will be no profits.

9. Lord of 2nd or 7th in 11th with planets connected to business.
10. 10th lord associated with 2nd and 11th Lord.
11. Lord of 2nd and 9th along with 7th lord placed in 7th house.
12. Exchange or mutual aspect between 7th and 10th Lord.
13. Combination of the lords of 10th and 11th / 1st and 11th / 1st and 10th or 7th / 2nd , 7th and 11 th by aspect, conjunction or exchange of houses.

14.The association between the lords of the Kendra or Trine house with 2nd and 11th indicates strong fortune.
15. Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in conjunction in the Kendra .
16. Auspicious Rajyoga/ Panch Mahapurush Yoga / Dhan Yoga in rashi chart.
17. Exalted Rahu in the Ascendant along with Saturn as the lord of the 10th or 11th placed in the 9th house will make a person ambitious, influential, clever and with strong will power, due to which native will become a successful businessman and expand his business further.
18. Saturn is in its own sign aspects 10th or 11th house or their lords and benefic Rahu associated with in 11th.

Successful in Business
Successful in Business

Planets in 2nd and 12th houses from Saturn are very important, if they are friendly planets to Saturn then there will be smooth growth else there will be obstacles.  Beacuse during transit Saturn will be first meeting those planets or getting aspected by these planets. 
Eg:  Ketu  in 2nd house then it means problems are ahead in professional life or else if Ketu is in 12th house from Saturn then this indicates problems in professional life is over. If they are placed together, then should consider the degrees, if Ketu is ahead then results are same as 
if Ketu is in 2nd house or else if Ketu is lesser degrees than Saturn, then the results are same as if Ketu is in 12th  house. 

Planets in 5th and 9th houses are very important because they are in the same direction of Saturn. Planets in 3rd,7th and 11th are in the opposite direction to Saturn which means, they are facing each other. 
The planet in 7th house should be given prior importance because, it is directly opposite to Saturn.
Planets and Sign in the 10th house from Saturn can give a clue about the nature of the profession or work environment. 
Professions signified by the planets in the 8th house from Saturn house should not be considered. 

    Business Prospects
    Business Prospects
    Lucky Day
    Lucky Day
    • If the 4th lord (property) aspects the Lagna or is placed in the Lagna, the profession may involve public properties.
    • If the 2nd lord is positioned in the 8th house and the 8th lord is in the 2nd house, it indicates a profession related to consolidated or secret means.
    • If the 1st lord is positioned in the 12th house, it indicates a profession related to foreign dealings.
    • If the 12th lord aspects both the 12th and 10th lords, it also indicates a profession related to foreign dealings.
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